true love bitches

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Breanna's POV

I ran over to the other shop and looked around. Ethan was standing behind a knocked over shelf crying. Ace ran over to him and sat him down. I'm not gonna lie but I'm jealous of them. After everything that happened they managed to find love in a hopeless place. I looked at Ben who was standing on the other side of the road. His blonde hair was lightly swaying back and forth. He always did remind me of my crush. I walked over to him and attempted to start a conversation.

"So... Um what's up with these zombies?" I was completely pathetic. He looked at me and started laughing. I was a complete joke towards him.

"S-seriously?" He knew I was attempting to flirt with him. I was embarrassed beyond belief. Our small moment was interrupted by two zombies that charged out of the surrounding forest. It completely caught us off by surprise. I pulled my gun out and wasted a round on one zombie. I couldn't hit in the brain. I flipped my gun upside down and bashed the zombies skull in. Ben was getting tackled by the second zombie. I reloaded my gun and pulled the zombie off of him. It was focused on me now but I shot it in the head before it got even remotely close. Ben was shocked at my mad skillz. He got up and looked at me.

"Wow..." He stepped towards me and pulled me towards him. He violently smashed his lips onto mine. I was in complete shock.

Ethan's POV

Ace held me close to his chest. I wanted to fall asleep right there but I didn't think we were there yet. Matthew started a fire and Meghan and Sarah ran outside to see what the commotion was about. Ace, Matthew and I payed it no attention Ace looked down at me and smiled.

"Are you okay?" He said it so calmly and lovingly I couldn't stand it. I simply nodded and got up. He kissed me and hugged me. We were so close now. I knew that we were always in love but I didn't expect our relationship to blossom so quickly. I layer down in his lap again and slowly drifted to sleep. I knew we were there now.

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