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~~Two Days after the deaths of Ben and Breanna~~

I threw all of my weapons, clothes, and food in a backpack. Ace was sound asleep. It was a perfect time to leave. Everyone was sleeping. The new people were still shooken up about Bill. Matt and Meghan have officially decided to build a wall around Greenvale. I don't expect them to get to far. I kissed Ace on the cheek lightly. This might be the last time I see him. I fought back tears. I walked away from him silently sobbing inside. It was pitch dark outside. I stood in the entrance of the market and looked around one last time. This was it. I'll hopefully never see this place again. I wrote a note explaining that I'd be leaving and put in next to Ace. I walked outside and jumped the fence. Almost immediately after getting outside of the fences I ran into the forest and never looked back. I'm finally free.

~~The Note~~

If you're reading this Ace that means I'm gone. I couldn't handle watching you die. I know leaving will hurt you but please promise me that you'll survive. Please for the love of god SURVIVE.

Love Ethan

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