we be da survivors!!!! jk we gon die

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Me: I need to gtfo! *runs out closest door*

Breanna: oh lawdie halp meh Ethan! *getting tackled by zambies*

Me: mofo u aint eating ma friend *grabs fire extinguisher and hit zambie*

Me: u be messin wit da wrong mofo *beats zombies head with fire extinguisher*

Breanna: fuck you mofo *kicks zombie in the nuts*

Me: team work fuck yeah! *high fives Breanna*

Breanna: fuck yeah

Dom: omg Ethan I thought u be dead *hugs me*

Me: get the fuck off meh *pushes Dom away*

Breanna: we need to get the fuck outta here

Me: yeah

Dom: let's be a team!

Me: mofo stfu and let us adults talk

Dom: *sulks in corner*

Breanna: like in the walking dead!

Me: awww hell naw we screwed

Breanna: I'll be Daryl

Dom: I'll be carl

Me: everyone stfu! We need to gtfo like now!

Dom: ur no fun...

Breanna: he has point. Let's gtfo

Me: good... well on that note I'll be Rick!!!

Breanna & Dom: ughhhhh

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