no more death please...

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Me: *quietly sitting on the roof*

Ace: what'cha doing *sits down next to me*

Me: I don't know...

Ace: dayum something must being going on!

Me: im not gonna lead anymore

Ace: w-what?!

Me: too much stress and Ace I really want to be with you

Ace: wow

Me: no words? Typical *walks downstairs*

~~Time Skip~~

Me: *watching zombies through fence* I find this amusing...

Ace: Ethan! Get in here!

Me: what? Why? *runs inside*

Olivia: you brought this on yourself! *pointing gun at sophia*

Sophia: stop please! I already died once!

Matthew: Olivia... calm down

Me: Olivia! Put down the fucking gun! We've lost so many people! No more death!

Olivia: this is the only way we'll survive! You're a horrible leader!

Sophia: no no n- *gets shot in throat*

Everyone but Olivia: o.o

Olivia: die bitch *shots sophia in the head*

Me: NOOOOOOO! *shoots Olivia in foot*


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