Survival is the only goal now

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Me: we need to clear out the department store on 34th street and get the supplies in it b4 someone else does.

Ace: we can't! We're low on ammo and with all these zombies stacked on the fence we might need it!

Me: true... Matt start killing the zombies thru the fence

Matt: *silently goes outside*

Breanna: want me to help him?

Me: no with all the anger built up inside him he'll do it faster alone

Breanna: oh

Me: why don't you get on the roof and keep a look out for any large packs of zombies

Breanna: sounds good *runs upstairs*

Olivia: Sophia and I will start dinner

Me: okay but don't make 2 much of a racket. We don't need anymore zombies

Sophia: got it *walks upstairs with Olivia*

Me: Ace?

Ace: yeah?

Me: we need 2 talk

Ace: okay...

Me: it's Matthew

Ace: I knew it...

Me: he's losing it *looks Matt killing zombies violently*

Ace: he lost his boyfriend

Me: and I lost Dom, Abby, My sisters ,and my parents but still I've never been angry once about it

Ace: you're making this sound personal...

Me: I may be but there's just something slipping in his mind. I can tell

Ace: so do you want to kick him out?

Me: No! Doing that would be like shooting him! We just need to keep an eye on him

Ace: got it

Me: good now about what you said three we-

Breanna: *comes down the stairs* Ethan! Huge herd!

Me: shit

Matthew: *runs inside* herd!

Me: turn the lights off! We're waiting this out

Ace: got it *helps Matt turn lights off*

Me: im not losing this place!

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