Finally we're saf- awwwww hell nah! fuck these zambies

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Me: *looking around building* what purpose did this serve?

Ace: who knows

Breanna: we should look around 4 supplies

Me: good idea

Olivia: someone carry me in!

Sophia: I can't pick u up!

Olivia: excuse me!

Me: Olivia! Do us a favor and stop acting like a bitch

Olivia: w-w-what

Matthew: awwww hell nah! Gurl u got burned!

Olivia: I-I

Me: I love burning people

Ace: wow that was just... wow

Me: thanks

Nick: man this is awesome! I can't believe we're safe!

Matthew: IKR!

Me: don't jinx it -_-

Nick: I won't don't worry! We're saf- *zambie comes outta no where and bites his arm*

Matthew: n-no

Me: NICK!!!! *slams zambie into wall* omg I hate you! *bashes face into wall*

Everyone but Matt and I: O.O

Matt: no no no no  no!


Matt: I-I can't

Me: oh my god

Breanna: why?

Nick: please just kill me! I can't be one of those things!

Matt: no no! Don't!

Me: oh my god I'm sorry *pulls out gun and shoots him*

Matt: *falls backwards* no! No! No!

Me: I-im sorry

Ace: o-o

Olivia and Sophia: um I'm sorry?

Me: I can't do this *runs upstairs*

Ace: Ethan wait! *runs after me*

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