Fighting Back

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Ethan's POV

We ran to the highway. We've wasted so much time already. Ace and I finally had something going on between us but we knew that it can't get in the way of rescuing Breanna. Matthew pointed to the semi truck we had the keys to. It was huge with a trailer attached to the back of it.

"Is that it?" Ace looked at Matthew.

"Yeah. We'll need to detach the trailer but that's it. We finally reached the highway and hurried towards the truck. Ace looked at where the trailer attached to truck and pulled something out of the middle.

"That should do it." Matthew jumped into the front and Ace and I jumped into the back.

"Alright let's go!" Matthew started up the truck and drove it away from the debris scattered around the highway and towards Breanna's location. Ace held my hand and I kissed him on the cheek. Matthew smiled at us and hurried down the highway.

Breanna's POV

Meghan and Sarah looked around for anything to cut the ropes that binded me to the chair. Ben attempted to stand again and finally succeed.

"H-here!" He threw a pocket knife towards Meghan and collapsed. I felt really bad for him. His blonde hair hair was really attractive. Meghan snapped me out of my phase and began cutting me loose. I was finally free.

"Hell yeah! Let's get the hell outta here!" I stood up and threw both my hands up in celebration. Suddenly the door opened revealing Olivia and a couple of thugs.

"What the hell?" Olivia pulled out a taser and tased my ass. Meghan, Sarah, and Ben were horrified. "Y'all mutha fuckers are gonna die! Tie 'em up!" The thugs tied our hands behind our backs and walked us outside. It was amazing. There was a wall surrounding the entire place. I could tell that the place was an old airport. Groups of people were staring at us like we were the bad guys.

Ethan's POV

We were driving for minutes before we saw a wall cut off the the highway. A sign said that we were headed towards an airport.

"That's where she is." I was sure that Breanna was being held there.

"What's the plan then?" Matthew stopped the car and looked back at us.

"Drive through the gate." Ace and Matthew looked at me but remained silent. "I'm not kidding. Look there is no lookouts so we'll catch 'em by surprise." Matthew looked closely at the wall then stomped on the gas pedal. This was happening. I held Ace's hand tightly. He was horrified. Matthew quickly drove through the gates and ran over several people.

Breanna's POV

Someone was driving towards the gates extremely fast. Before Olivia even noticed it a black semi truck drove through the gates and ran over several people. The truck quickly stopped and did a 360. Tens of people got hit by it and came flying towards us. A body hit three of the thugs and then one slammed into Olivia. We all took our chances and ran towards the truck. The door opened and revealed Matthew, Ace, and Ethan.

"Get in! Everyone!" Matthew shot at some of the the people in the other group. Sarah and Meghan sat squeezed next to Ace and Ethan who were actually holding hands. FINALLY! Ben and I jumped in next to Matthew.

"No you're not getting away!" Olivia pushed the body off of her and ran in front of the truck. Zombies started entering the airport and approached Olivia.

"Run over the bitch!" I was eager to get revenge.

"Gladly!" Matthew slammed down the gas pedal and charged towards Olivia. She was preoccupied with zombies.

"Oh Abby I will avenge yo-" the truck mowed down Olivia and killing her instantly. We mowed down other zombies and left the god forsaken airport. We were home free.

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