things finally start to go our way

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Breanna's POV

Olivia took all of the weapons away from Sarah, Meghan, and Ben. I was still in the chair but Meghan picked me up from off the floor. Sarah was sitting in front of the door eating her bag of chips. Ben's leg wasn't bleeding anymore but he could barely stand. Meghan was pacing around the room looking for any way we could escape.

"We don't need to escape Meghan. Ethan will be here soon." I knew that Ethan would come for us. He definitely wouldn't leave me to die.

"How do we know? He was an idiot when I knew him!" Meghan wasn't wrong.

"He's changed, I swear." I looked at Meghan.

"How about we at least try to escape!" Sarah finished her bag of chips and stood up.

"I think we should try too." Ben finally spoke. He attempted to stand but failed and fell back down. I was shocked at how much Sarah and Meghan have changed. Before the apocalypse they would've just started hyperventilating.

"Fine. But just get me out of this damned chair!" I finally gave in. Ethan will come back though.

Ethan's POV

I pulled away from Ace and looked into his eyes. He was as shocked as I was. I knew that kissing him was a mistake but I couldn't help myself. We sat there staring at each other for awhile. What was going through his head? I couldn't stand the awkwardness anymore. I got up and walked outside. Matthew was no where to be found. Ace came outside of the house.

"Ethan! What are you doing?" He seemed a little upset. I didn't feel like talking much so I started looking for Matthew. "Ethan?" He wouldn't leave me alone.

"Matthew is gone." I looked at Ace with the most serious look posible.

"No I'm not." Matthew came out from behind the house holding keys in his hands. I felt relieved. "There's a highway near here and I have the keys to a semi truck." He looked very proud of himself. I stayed silent and walked up to him. I gave him a hug and stepped back.

"Would you mind leading?" He seemed shocked. I looked over to Ace who was equally shocked.

"Um Yeah!" I was happy that the burden of being a leader was finally off my chest.

"Wow. Let's go then." Ace, Matthew and I abandoned the shack and started walking towards the highway. Ace grabbed my hand and held it. Everything began to feel right again. Now we just need to find Breanna and get as far away from NY as possible.

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