nice job being subtle Ethan *face palm*

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Me: so Ace how long has it been since u saw ur group?

Ace: 2 months

Me: wow

Ace: yeah

Me: anyway we'll find my group soon

Ace: that'd be ni- omg look at that! *points to old building in the distance*

Me: wow just wow

Ace: we could fortify the shit outta dat

Me: we really could

Ace: I don't know about you but-

Me: IM FEELIN 22!!!!!!

Ace: O.o

Me: sorry couldn't resist (>////<)

Ace: anyway what I was saying is that we should stop looking 4 ur group and make that building ours

Me: there's a fence that could keep out zambies...

Ace: c'mon let's do it!

Me: I couldn't miss a chance like this.

Ace: hell yeah

Me: hey r u gay?

Ace: what?

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