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Every girl have their own kind of perspective when it comes to their love stories.

Mine is a total different.It's hard for me to achieve my own happy ending.

It all started with a guy who I accidentally bumped into when I was in my first year in high school and it turned out his our new transfer student and his in the same class as mine.

His name is Nishimura Riki or Ni-ki

His the first guy I set my interest to.I never felt this way before with the other boys in our school.I mean there are a lot of good looking people around me but he just hit different.

We're still classmates even now but we barely talk.I confessed already many times that I could imagine and still ended up being rejected.

Those rejections didn't bring me down.I always left some fresh milk and Bungeoppang made by me on his desk every morning cause I know his house is far away from our school and he didn't want to be late so he always skip breakfast.

His a member of the dance team in our school together with his friends who are older than both of us.

Their names are Jungwon and Sunoo.

The three of them are famous especially towards the girls and still they are all single.They rejected all of them including me.

Because he's a member of the dance team he always miss some classes so when the class is over I always left some notes inside his locker with some little snacks and bottle of water.

I never left a note cause I don't want him to know.The reason why I always keep it a secret towards him because of the fail confession that happened.

It was so embarrassing knowing that he rejected me infront of the whole school and also infront of our teacher.It might be many years ago and everyone already forgot about it.Still it's fresh inside my mind.

I'm happy now knowing that I can make him smile even tho he didn't know it yet.His smiles are like serotonin to me.

Now back to the present.

We have a talent festival today and I didn't participate even tho the teachers wanted me to.I do have a talent,I'm a ballet dancer before but stopped due to some injuries that are completely healed now.

I wanted to comeback but because the schedule are hectic and I don't want to miss a class knowing that I can't write some notes for Ni-ki.So I quit with my own will.

"Minyoung you're spacing out again" I cameback to my senses after hearing my best friend's voice.

"Are you sick Minmin?" that's my nickname if you guys wanted to know.Jiyeon my bestfriend made it for me since she said my name is too long for her.

"I'm not sick Jiyeon-ah I'm just thinking about some things" she hums as a response and we continue hanging the posters of the performers on the wall.

I was in the middle of hanging the last poster when Jiyeon nudge me.

"Yah Minyoung look is that Ni-ki with Hyeon"I take a glance to the both of them and stopped with what I'm currently doing.

He's smiling with her.He looks very happy when she's with him.I guess they're close too knowing that they laugh together like that.So lucky

"You really suck" I glared at Jiyeon after I heard about what she said and I turned away.I know Jiyeon can feel that I'm sad right now.

She continue to hang the posters and I'm still here.Thinking of many things that might happen or wouldn't happen.

Come to think of it.Jiyeon is right and do had a point because I'm always the secret admirer of his that's why I didn't have a chance.

He probably think I found a new crush now knowing that we really don't talk to eachother.

After hanging all of the posters I decided to look around the tents and booths.

"Minyoung!" I know that voice and I froze on my place wanting the land to eat me alive.

I slowly look at the person who called my name and yes I am right it's Ni-ki.He look really tired practicing for the performance tonight.

"Ms. Kim wanted you to help backstage and ask me to bring you there" his out of breath already and it shows that his in a hurry.

"Oh yeah sure let's go" I walked first knowing how embarrassing this scene is.

He walked behind me ofcourse and we both arrived there not talking at all.Cause I'll found it very awkward if we really did.

"Minyoung can you help me with props there are some broken pieces" our classroom teacher passed me the broken props that looked horrible now but I can fix it.

After I fixed it everyone is already starting to dress up and doing their make up.I should just put this thing by myself or nah? They all look busy and it's not hard to put it in place.

I was half way done when I accidentally cut my finger with the scissors and it's not just a simple bleeding but who cares ill just sip the blood.Kidding.

I left the props I'm currently fixing to clean my wound and put a bandage on it but sadly I don't have one so maybe just let it like this.

When I came back Ms. Kim looks furious.She scolded me for leaving the props there and i just let her be and continue it anyways.

"Here have this you look very hurt" I saw a hand giving me some cute bandages and I looked up and saw Sunghoon.

His the famous Figure skater in our school and they say his going to perform tonight.

"Thank you so much and sorry if I bothered you" I gladly accepted it and he smiles and that's cute,enough reason for me to blush.

"It's my first time hearing your voice" I giggled and looked at him.

"Is that so? We never talked before" I said while fixing the props.I mean his company is comfortable.

"Well I heard you barely talk and you don't have any friends except for Jiyeon" I nod and hummed as a response still being unbothered in doing the props.

He keep talking to me about random things which I found very interesting even tho I may sound like I'm not interested.

Ni-ki POV

"Sunoo look at that,Sunghoon hyung is talking with Minyoung,She's that weird girl right?" I heard Jungwon's conversation with Sunoo.

"Stop saying she's weird.I mean if she's not that quite I guess she'll be one of my type here in school" Sunno replied.

"Agreed,me too cause we can't deny she's pretty just you know too simple.No fun" after that sentence Jungwon and Sunoo started laughing.When their laughing ended they just talked about random things while waiting.

I stared at the two of them.Sunghoon hyung and Minyoung.

She looked like she don't care about what his saying.She is unbothered but sunghoon hyung still keep talking with her.

Weird.Sunghoon hyung doesn't like to start a conversation with a girl that much.

Does he like her? Well I don't care.

I notice her finger.She must've hurted herself while fixing the props.I can't deny I'm kinda worried for her.She did a lot of things already for the talent festival and she look tired.

If I look tired,then how about her.She decorated our classroom.She even helped hanging all of the posters around the school and now she's fixing the props.

She worked hard and even got scolded.

Don't get it wrong okay? I don't like her.I just pity her.

Nothing more nothing less.

And I know she liked me before but I don't know now but who cares who she likes.

Atleast she's not that annoying kind of girl and confesses everyday.

She's like that before tho but now she stopped.

Or did she really stopped.

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