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I don't know what to do anymore.Daniel's plan will really going to bring us to trouble.Ni-ki and Heeseung will be in a trouble too if grandma founds out.

"So you're going to stay here?" Heeseung oppa asked sitting on the sofa infront of me."For a while until my problem with my grandma will settle down" Daniel nodded agreeing my statement.

"I don't know where I can leave her and this is the only place I know she's safe.Jiyeon's parents will probably going to tell our grandma about her staying there.So I have no choice" Daniel scratched the back of his head.

"Hyung is it okay for her to stay here?" Ni-ki asked Heeseung oppa."Sure she can stay here,but only for a while" Heeseung oppa said making sure I'll settle my problems with my grandma as soon as possible.

"I have to go now.I don't want grandma to caught me.Take care Minyoung" I nod and he kissed my forehead."Take care on the way back Daniel" I waved at him and slowly he disappeared off my sight.

"Which room do you want to sleep Minyoung?" Heeseung oppa asked after closing the door."Can I sleep at Ni-ki's" I can clearly see how Ni-ki stopped working for a moment after I said that.

"In my room?" I shyly nod."Well I'm more comfortable there and I hope it doesn't bother you" He shook his head signaling that it's not a problem for me to stay at his room for a while.

Heeseung oppa left the both of us inside Ni-ki's room."I'll prepare my bed on the floor" I looked at his back that is currently facing me."Are you sure you can sleep comfortabley there" He nods and stretches himself preparing to sleep.

"Good night Minyoung" he kissed my forehead and I blushed."Good night Ni-ki" I turned off the lamp and made myself comfortable on his bed.

It's soft but I miss my Teddy bear.I forgot to bring it because I'm in a hurry.Now I can't sleep without cuddling something.

"Do you need anything Minyoung?" I heard Ni-ki asked suddenly."Ahmm nothing" He hums for a moment and spoke again."Here have this" A panda plushie came flying to me after he said that.

"You seem like you can't sleep without someone to cuddle" I giggled and hugged the plushie."Have a sweet dreams Ni-ki" I greeted before taking myself to the dream land.

I woke up when I heard Ni-ki's alarm.Heeseung oppa also knock on his door but unfortunately it didn't wake Ni-ki up.I let him sleep for a while and I decided to prepare myself for school.

"Ni-ki wake up" I said gently moving his body."You'll be late for school" I said still trying my best."Another more minutes mom" I pout and then suddenly an idea came across my mind.I used to do it to Daniel and I hope it works with him too.

I took the pillow beside him and prepared to hit him with it."Ni-ki wake up!" I hit his hips with the pillow and I heard him groan."Minyoung it's still early" I rolled my eyes and stand up.

"I'll make you some bungeoppang" He suddenly opened his eyes startling me.I giggled and he hurriedly made his way to the bathroom to take a bath.

"What did you do to make him get up" I giggled and took the bowl from the shelf."Its a secret" Heeseung oppa snickered and continue preparing his meal.

Making Ni-ki bungeoppang didn't take log.It's just easy for me especially I almost make it everyday for him.It's more special today knowing he is also watching me do it.

"Hurry up Minyoung,I don't want to get late" I nod and put the bungeoppang inside a zip lock,I stopped when he suddenly took one piece from it.

"I'm taking this for a taste test" he said smelling the freshly cooked bungeoppang.He took a bite and smiled.I'm happy that he like it.

"This taste familiar" I looked at him curious."What do you mean Ni-ki?" he swallowed and then looked at me."Someone keep leaving a bungeoppang on my desk and this taste exactly the same" I nervously swallowed and hurriedly took an apple leaving him there curious about my sudden action.

"Minyoung wai-" we both froze seeing Jungwon and Sunoo infront of his dorm door waiting for him.They are both shock seeing me here."What's the meaning of this?" Jungwon ask."She's staying here for a while" Ni-ki immediately get to the point to avoid further more problems and discussions.

"I thought you both aren't close" we both cleared our throat and I wanted to reply when Ni-ki stopped me."We are friends actually" I shyly nod biting the inside of my cheeks.This situation is indeed awkward.

"Yah! Ni-ki...you both are friends and you didn't tell us this is unfair" Sunoo said and playfully hit Ni-ki's shoulder."Minyoung is so adorable being shy" Sunoo was going to squish my cheeks when Ni-ki stopped him.

"Hyung stop that she probably hate someone touching her cheeks" I actually didn't mind what's with him."Can I Minyoung?" I simply nod but Ni-ki still stopped him."Hyung what if she'll get hurt" Jungwon smirked and tried to reach for my cheeks but Ni-ki caught him.

"What did I say" Ni-ki cutely frown and the both of them only giggled."I actually don't mind Ni-ki and I'm used to people squishing my cheeks" Sunoo nods agreeing with my statement."Is our Ni-ki jealous???" Jungwon teases him.

"I'm not,it's just I'm not used to see other males squishing her cheeks" I giggled and he pouted."I just want her cheeks to be mine" Sunoo and Jungwon break a loud laugh when Ni-ki said that.

I stopped them immediately knowing we might get late because of this cheeks topic.

The ride from Ni-ki's dorm to school didn't took long knowing there is still no traffic and the bus didn't stop from many stations knowing there are still few people.

Ni-ki and I are walking behind Jungwon and Sunoo,We are currently on our way to the school gates.There are still a few students because it's still quite early.

We are walking when suddenly I felt Ni-ki brushed his finger onto mine,making both of our fingers interlocked.

I smile creeped onto my lips when he did that.A lots of butterflies inside my stomach,enough to make me blush.

But my eyes landed to someone.It's Hyeon standing at the gates,She look like she's waiting for someone.

Her eyes landed to the both of us and her smile suddenly disappeared when she saw both of our hands.

She made her way near us and smiled upon greeting Ni-ki."Good morning Ni-ki" she said smiling and pretended that I'm not standing beside him.Ni-ki still didn't took his hands away from mine.

"Good morning Hyeon" he smiled to her,making her act more cute than she already was."I bought you these.I hope you will like it" it's a chocolate box and a note sticked to it.

"Thank you" I cleared my throat.That chocolate looks very expensive."You must be Minyoung" I looked at her and nod gently.I can feel that she's faking her smile towards me and told Ni-ki that she's leaving.

She suddenly stopped and whispered in my ear."You took the wrong guy.Meet me at the rooftop later in recess" She bumped my shoulder and I looked back at her.

She's scaring me.

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now