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I woke up early and do my morning routine.Daniel is having his breakfast downstairs.He woke up earlier than me so he already took a bath.I was half done when the doorbell rang.

"Daniel can you take that for me? I'm still dressing up" he groans but still obeyed anyway.I heard him open the door and soon I heard some footsteps.

Daniel knocked into my room and said."Minyoung someone is here and his name is Nishimura Riki" his voice came out as a tease to me."He said he's going to pick you up for your date" I wanna kick him right now,he really loves teasing me.

"I'm going out now Daniel" after I put my shoes,I opened the door revealing both of them and Daniel is leaning on my door frame."Have fun Minyoung" he winks at me and left me and Ni-ki alone.Glad he already left before he told Ni-ki some embarrassing things.

"Is he your brother?" he asked looking at me."Nope he is my older cousin,we kinda grow up together that's why we are this close and I treat him like a real brother already" he hums and looked at the outfit I'm currently wearing."You're using my jacket,It's cute" I saw a blush creeps on his cheeks and he bite his lips to stop himself from blushing too much.

"So let's go now?" he nods and we both go down seeing Daniel giving me a teasing look.Soon disappears when me and Ni-ki left already.

"what's the plan for today?" I asked while both me and him are walking to the bus stop."Bisco,my dog needs some bath and I can't do it alone" my eyes widen from happiness.I really love dogs and hearing this makes me jump in joy.My parents didn't allow me to adopt one saying that the dog will give stress to me.

"Your dog must be cute?" I softly asked him and he smiles."You're more cuter" I blushed because of what he says and froze too,I can feel my stomach having lots of butterflies inside."The bus is going to leave soon we need to hurry" he pointed the bus and holds my hands.We run into the bus stop and arrived inside without letting go of both of our hands.

"Ni-ki you can let go now" he looks at me with his cute smile."I don't want to,It's soft and comfortable" he giggles intertwining both of our hands.

If he just know how much I wanted this to happen for a long time.His soft hands with mine and him sleeping beside me.I hope this moment won't end.I guess this is a dream that I don't want to wake up.

"Ni-ki wake up we are near" he slowly open his eyes and looked up at me.He smiles and pecks my cheeks."Okay I'm awake now" is he doing this on purpose? Making me blush all the time.

We are going down when I heard the girls sitting near the exit talking about the both of us.

"The boy is so cute,I wonder what school he is in" she whispers to her friend and the friend look at the both of us.Ni-ki's hands are still intertwined with mine.He never let go the whole trip."Yah! Stop it he's already taken" the girl slapped gently her friends shoulder and laugh with her.

I can't deny tho.Ni-ki is cute and handsome plus he is also very talented that's why I adore him so much.

"I didn't know your hands are always this sweaty Minyoung" I removed my hands from his grasp and looked around embarrassed."It happened all the time when I'm nervous" he smirks and he slowly look down leaning closer to me not breaking an eye contact."So you're telling me you're nervous around me?" I softly nod and looked away running to what road I'm going to.

"Minyoung you're going the wrong street!" he shouted which makes me more embarrassed.Minyoung focus stop embarassing yourself.

The way to his shared dorm is not that far.Ni-ki always initiate the conversation while me I just answered anything that he asked and says.I became comfortable with him now and he look comfortable too.

We're at the front of his dorm waiting for his dorm mate to open the door.Soon enough Heeseung,our school ace and senior open the door for us to get in.

"Ni-ki glad you're here already and who is this?" he looked at my small figure.Daniel is tall but I am used to it and he is only a one human being but this being surrounded with two 6 footers makes me feel like a dwarf.

"Ahmm hyung this is Minyoung our class vice president.He is friends with Sunoo too knowing they're both class officers" he hums and looked at me again."Hello Minyoung! I'm Lee Heeseung" he offered me his hand for a handshake and I accepted it gladly.

"anyway Ni-ki,Jay and Jake will come here today together with Sunghoon.We are going to the gym today and dance studio" Ni-ki nods and soon enough Jay and the others arrived.

"Oh! Minyoung Hello" Sunghoon saw me after he got in the dorm and smiles widely."Hello Sunghoon oppa" I smile to him and saw the other too."Hello Jay oppa and Jake oppa" they both widen their eyes and look at me with shock."Wait so you're Minyoung the girl Sunghoon keeps talking about" Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck after Jay exposed him like that so easily.

"He talked about me" I asked and innocently not knowing what to do.I can feel Ni-ki who is sitting beside me getting tense up.Is he mad? Well I'm sure he is I can see his little fist underneath the sofa pillow."Well yeah he does and he is also excited for us to meet you" Jake oppa replied to my question."He also said you cut-" Jay oppa's word got cut off when Ni-ki suddenly stood up and said."Heeseung hyung I guess you guys need to go now.You might miss the bus" Heeseung was going to answer when Ni-ki gave him a signal about something that maked him agree.

All of them left leaving me and Ni-ki alone.

His room is so clean as expected it have many plushies and posters which I understand too knowing I have posters inside my room.I was looking around when I saw a cute little Puppy sleeping on his bed.This must be Bisco.Awww he look like Ni-ki when he is sleeping.

Ni-ki slowly wakes up the dog and I saw his little yawn.I wanna hug Bisco so bad.Ni-ki gave some treats and play with Bisco for a minute.I played with Bisco too and it's so much fun.

After playing with Bisco we decided to take him to Bath.Ni-ki is preparing his bath and I'm still playing with him.We look like a family but that won't happen knowing Ni-ki might be in a relationship with Hyeon.

"Bisco stop splashing so much" Ni-ki softly yelled after getting splashed with soap on his face."Wait let me get the towel for you" I stand up and took the towel that is hanging beside the washing area.I slowly removed the bubbles on his face I didn't know that we are this close now.We both looked at each others eyes and slowly his eyes looked at my lips.He look back up again and I looked away.Now this is awkward.We both know what will going to happen if I didn't walk away.

I fake coughed and stand up taking a space away from him.

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