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"I'm so nervous" I sighed and Daniel rolled his eyes while eating his breakfast."Yah! Eat up and stop thinking about that...anyway Minyoung" I looked at him waiting for response."Grandma called this morning.....she wanted to talk to you" I thought she'll stop bothering me about this already.

"Tell her I'm still not interested" I just loss my appetite because of how many times my grandma is trying to convince me to go study in states."I badly wanted to go to States too Minyoung.Let's go there please" he nudged me and pouts.

I wanted to go to States too before when I still don't know Ni-ki.I thought before that staying here is useless because my mom didn't give any care about me.It all changed when I meet him.He become my motivation to go to school and stay here for a while.

"Then go there alone Daniel,grandma wants you to be there too" I can clearly hear him scoff and saw him rolled his eyes."But we promised we are going there together" I stopped eating.Yeah right I did promised him that we're going there together.

After eating my breakfast I quickly changed into the outfit me and Jiyeon picked yesterday.

"Minyoung your boyfriend is here" Daniel yelled across the whole house gaining attention from all of our helpers."And he have chocolates for you,that I'm sure will give you diabetes" If someone will tell me to Slap my cousin's face for exchange of 1 billion.I'll totally will do it,even without the money.

I quickly looked at the mirror.Fixing myself and taking my bag after I'm satisfied on how I look.After going the down the stairs I saw Daniel sitting next to Ni-ki asking him lots of stuff.

"What do you like about Minyoung? Yeah she's smart but not talkative.Her face is average too but she's still pretty,ofcourse she's my cousin it runs in our blood" this boy he really asked Ni-ki about those things.I told him we're just having some friendly date but he is acting like Ni-ki and I are boyfriend and girlfriend.

I fake coughed taking both of their attention to me.Daniel on the other hand quickly stay away from Ni-ki looking away from me.He is guilty I can tell.

"You can leave the both of us now Daniel" he nods and excused himself from the both of us."You arrived early than I expected Ni-ki" he stand up offering me the chocolate he bought."You came prepared too" I giggled at how cute he looks right now.

Being shy giving a girl some chocolates."Let's go early so I can bring you home before dawn" he offered his hands for me to take it but I saw Daniel in the corner of my eyes.Glaring at the both of us.

"Sure let's go" I took his wrist and start walking to the door."Bring her home before 6" we both heard Daniel yelled before we made our way to the bus stop.

"Heeseung hyung's aunt owns a costumize pot shop.We can make our own pots designed it ourselves.I decided we should go there" I nod fidgeting the ends of his jacket.Yes I'm wearing it because Jiyeon suggested it too and it's comfortable.

"You're wearing my jacket.I see" he smirks while checking out his jacket I'm currently on.

"It's more cozy and I love the fabric" he ruffles my hair and took my hands and he intertwined it with his."Ni-ki what are you doing?" I asked confused and flustered."It's more comfortable this way and it's kinda cold.I'm only wearing a hoodie" I nod and slowly I close my eyes.

"Minyoung wake up we're here already" Ni-ki gently tapped my cheeks and I slowly opened my eyes cause I don't want the sunlight to blind me.

I must've sleep the whole time because I accidently laid my head onto Ni-ki's shoulder that I guess he didn't mind at all.

We both stand up and got down the bus.I didn't realize that both of our hands are still intertwined while we left.We looked like a teenager couple going down the bus.

"Did you sleep comfortably? I put your head on my shoulder because your neck might get hurt" he spoked while we are walking to some street that I don't know.It's kinda crowded too.

"Yeah,I sleep comfortably thank you" I smiled and noticed a shop that caught my attention.I guess this is the costumize pot shop that he talked about.The one that Heeseung oppa's aunt own.

"Ni-ki it's still closed.We arrived early" I pointed the close sign on the door."Heeseung hyung gave me a wrong time table" we both laughed.

We found a bench not so far away from the shop.We can still see when it open and can come there immediately.

"Heeseung hyung told me that you're a good cook" I looked at him and nod."I stopped for a few months because I kinda lost my inspiration" he furrowed his eyebrows."Inspiration? I didn't know you need one when cooking" I giggled."Ofcourse you need one Ni-ki.It makes the dish more tastier when it's made with love" I smiled and looked at him waiting for his response.

"Is it because of me?" my smile faded."I rejected you before right?" he looked back at me and it makes me more flustered when both of our eyes locked eachother.

"Yeah you did but I understand the reason.I'm just lazy to cook nowadays" I awkwardly laugh.I don't want to bring what happened in the past before.

"I'm sorry" did he just said that.My eyes widen to his suddenly apology."Why are you saying sorry Ni-ki? You didn't do anything wrong we're still young back then.Even now" He still looked sad and it's making me sad too.

"Let's start a new chapter shall we?" I stand up and offered my hands for him to take it."Let's forget that I confessed to you and let's enjoy this date we have" he smiled and gladly took my hand.We both make our way to the shop that is now open.

"yeah our first date" I noticed Ni-ki whispered beside me but I didn't mind.I know its just an agreement to my sentences so I didn't bother much.

We gently opened the door.Being greeted by Heeseung oppa's aunt.

"Good morning Mrs. Lee" she smiled and made her way to the both of us.We bowed as a show of respect."You must be Ni-ki,Heeseung's roommate" Ni-ki nodded."You're a tall boy and still growing.So handsome look at that" she scanned Ni-ki up and down like he is her own son.She must liked Ni-ki.

"And you must be his Girlfriend" we both coughed and shock about what Mrs. Lee just said.

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now