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"Ms. Go your fever is very high? Why did you still go to school?" the school nurse asked me she looks worried.

"I'm always failing my physical education miss I don't want it to go down again" I said softly.I can saw her face change,The School nurse know why I hated physical education so much.

"Mr. Nishimura you can go back to class now" she told Ni-ki and he left peacefully without any further questions.

"Those it still hurt Minyoung?" I nod at her.I can clearly hear her sigh and I sigh too laying myself onto the infirmary bed.

Ni-ki POV

I was worried at Minyoung.She know she is sick but still decided to attend school today.What's with her.

"NI-KI! I HEARD MINYOUNG IS SICK HOW IS SHE?" Jiyeon her bestfriend asked me she looks really panicked."She's taking a rest now" she sigh in relief and looked at the time.

"I can't take care of her the whole day.The student council have a school trip I won't be here whole day" she started ruffling her hair and sigh again but not as good as the last one.

"Can you take care of her Ni-ki? I promise I'll treat you anything you wanted" she pleaded infront of me with a hopeful eyes.She really wanted me to take care of her friend while she's gone.

The reason Minyoung is sick is because she gave the umbrella to me.So I owe her one ofcourse I'll take care of her.

"Yeah sure I'll take care of her now out of the way I'm already late" she keeps saying thank you to me even she's already far.Jiyeon is really built different.

I was drawing some doodles on my textbook when Jungwon hyung called me.

"What's going on between you and Minyoung? I never saw you both talking like this" he whisper because we are still in class obviously but still we are near the back the professor won't hear us.

"Acquaintance I guess?" he furrows his eyebrows and looked at me again."You are so sus you know.Sunoo hyung just wanted to take her to the infirmary but all of a sudden you took her wrist and dragged her out" I don't know what came into me that moment.After knowing that Sunoo hyung have a possibility of liking her I felt like taking her away from him.

"I owe her something.I'm just being kind" he nods slightly convinced.

After the class ended I hurriedly rush into the cafeteria.Sunoo and Jungwon follows behind me.

"What's the food that sick people eat" I asked both of them."The school don't sell porridge you know" He's right the school is not selling some porridge or anything.The convenience store near the school is the only way.

"Let's go to the convenience store then" I both left them their still processing what I told them and then followed me afterwards.

The convenience store smells so nice.It makes me hungry but let's get some porridge first.

"Ni-ki do you think she likes yogurt drink?" I never saw her drink yogurt milks tho.I mean I didn't saw her drink any milk at all even chocolates.

"She's having a fever Sunoo maybe let's just buy her some warm water and medicine" Jungwon hyung said."The infirmary have a medicine already.Let's just buy some warm water"

We got back to the school and Jungwon and Sunoo hyung left me infront of the infirmary.When I opened the door I saw her peacefully sleeping.

I stand next to her bed and looked at her.I didn't notice she have a mole under her eyes.She have a pretty eyelashes and peachy cheeks like Sunoo hyung.She have a good nose too even it's not that pointy.I was examining her when my eyes caught her lips.

Those plump pink lips.It looks soft she must've always put some lip balm or lip smacker.I didn't notice all of this features of her that makes her this cute.

I was daydreaming when the nurse interrupted me with her fake cough."Mr. Nishimura why are you here?" I gulped,I hope she didn't notice I was checking on Minyoung's features.

"I bought some porridge and warm water for her" she hums as a response and told me that she's going to cafeteria so I'm taking care of Minyoung which is not a bother at all.

It's just the two of us again.Should I wake her up or no? She looks very peaceful and I don't want to ruin it.

I was lost again with her face.I don't know but I found her cute.She started to move that's why I spaced myself a few meter away from her.

"Ni-ki you're here? What brings you here?" she still sounds sleepy and sick.Her nose must be runny cause it shows.

"I'm here to feed you" she smiles showing her dimples.How can I didn't notice that when we first talked.She look cute.Everything she do is cute for me now.

I set up the table infront of her and she was going to take the spoon when I hurriedly took it."Let me feed you instead" I saw a blush tinting her fluffy cheeks.Did I make her flutter well she's making me flutter too.

"No it's okay.I can manage myself" I want to stop her again but she's so persuasive.

She's having a hard time eating because of her hair so I took a rubber band on the nurse's desk and tie her hair for her.

She stopped moving I wonder why.Is it her first being this intimate towards a guy.Why am I like this too.I feel comfortable but at the same time I feel nervous around her.

After I finished fixing her hair.I sat down again watching her eat.Her moves are always gentle.I kinda notice this everytime she's with someone but when she's not she's so aggressive.

I know her personality we have been classmates for almost many school years already but how come I didn't realize how cute she is.

"Minyoung you have a stain on your lip" she widens her eyes and took a tissue to take it off.She's rubbing it the wrong way.

I stand up going near her and took some wet wipes.I gently remove the stain on her lips.

When I looked up I'm greeted by her dark eyes.She have a pretty eyes an almond shaped ones.I didn't notice that we are this close.

We both looked away and I sit back on my sit again.She still eat peacefully but more gentle this time."Do you ate already Ni-ki?" I blinked many times cause I'm still flushed.

"Yeah I already ate on the way here.I bought some mini bungeoppang at the convenience store when I bought your porridge" she hummed and continue eating.

The whole time we are both silent but it's comfortable.I was reading some of the magazines when she spoke again.

"Ni-ki Thank you" I looked at her.She's lookin right into my eye.I can't look away its hypnotising.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now