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Ni-ki POV

"Hyung what should I do? I realize that I do like Minyoung" I told Heeseung hyung while I'm lying at my bed.Preparing myself to take a nap and him playing some online games on my computer.

"Ni-ki you won't get rejected if you'll confess I'm sure of it" I looked at him and sit down laying my back on the head board."What do you mean hyung?" he smirk and looked at the computer monitor.

"She confesses to you many times already and you rejected her with the same reason.You told her you guys are still young to date and you still don't know how to like a girl.You forgot that Ni-ki?" I nod and he sighed."The best you can do is just get to know her more and be sure about your feelings,then you can confess" I smiled and Heeseung hyung continue playing.

"Heeseung hyung where do you think I can take her for our first date tomorrow" I asked scrolling to some spots near our place."Correction Friendly Date and in my opinion take her somewhere romantic ofcourse.Maybe a theme park or much better a horror house" I furrowed my eyebrows when he said horror house."What do you mean horror house hyung?" he laugh and turned off the computer then looked at me.Who is currently confused why he wanted me to take her to a horror house.

"What do people do when they got scared?" he asked."They scream?" Heeseung hyung give me this "You're unbelievable look" and sigh frustrated because I seem not to get it."When girls get scared they tend to hug someone near them or hold their arms" he said hoping I already understand it."Hyung that's an old technique already.I even guess my grandfather did that to my grandmother" he rolled his eyes and sit next to me.

"Just try it okay?" he left me after he said that.

Its my first time having an interest towards a girl and I don't wanted it to fail.I wanted her to be comfortable and have fun.

Minyoung POV

"I want to transfer to your school.Mine is so boring almost all of the girls there are taken already." Daniel keeps mumbling those sentences for almost an hour already.Those he know his mom won't allow him to date someone cause he is still their precious baby Danny.

"You can't move to my school Daniel oppa" after I called him that I earned a soft smack from him using a pillow."But think about it if I move to your school.Our parents can monitor us more" His parents know how trouble maker he is that's why it's not a surprise he's using this as an excuse.

"If you really wanted to go to my school Daniel then go on" having him at school isn't that bad too.He can help me with my things and projects."I'll tell mom about this" he stand up from my bed and go to his room to call his mom.

After he left all I could think about is calling Jiyeon.She's the one who can help me decide what to wear for tomorrow.

It's going to be my first friendly date with a boy so I wanted to look pretty and good.Jiyeon always go to some blind dates and even got herself a boyfriend for only a month.They broke up because the boy is always busy with his school.

I took my phone from my drawer and started dialing Jiyeon's number.I waited for a few second before she answered it.

"Hello Minyoung what's the reason you called?" her background noise sounds relaxing she must be in a spa."Where are you know Jiyeon?" I heard a pause and a older woman's voice which I recognise as her mom's talking at the background.

"I'm at the spa with my mom she wanted me to tag along but if you wanted to hang out I could come.It's boring here" we both giggle and I told her to come to my place and hanged up.

I was scrolling to my Insta when suddenly Ni-ki called me.I immediately answered and said Hello. A silence was heard on the other line.

"Ni-ki? Why did you call?" I heard him clearing his throat and replied."Are you ready for tomorrow" I giggled,so he called me because he wanted to ask me if I'm ready.I am born ready Mr. Nishimura.

"Ofcourse I am and I'm asking Jiyeon for some help too" I heard him hum at the other line."Just wear anything you are comfortable with" he told me and then after that a knock is heard from my door.It must be Jiyeon,she arrive already.

"Minyoung your bestfriend Jiyeon is here open the door" that's Daniel's voice and he sounded annoyed that Jiyeon is here again.They are both like cat and dog they don't want each others company.

"Coming just wait a minute" I yelled softly from my room and started talking to my phone again."She's here already Ni-ki.I'm going to call you later okay?" after I hear him said sure and yes.I hanged up,going to my door to open it.

"What took you so long" Daniel said rolling his eyes on me."You can go now Daniel...bye bye" Jiyeon tapped his shoulders signaling him to leave.Which irritates Daniel so much.

After Daniel left,Jiyeon got in and made herself comfortable on my bed.I locked the door because I don't want Daniel to barge in.It's a habit of him.

"So tell me what's going on between you and your boyfriend" she teased crossing her arms on her chest."He's still not my boyfriend tho" I stated sitting next to her."Oh- still it means there is a chance you guys will date????" I rolled my eyes.Does she forgot that Ni-ki rejected me because he still don't want to date any girls.

"He don't date Jiyeon and this is not a date it's just hanging out,you know that" she rolled her eyes and softly throw my small pillow on my shoulder."No one knows,maybe he undergo puberty now and wanted to date.Like he is surrounded with lots of pretty girls and he decided to go on a so called friendly date with you " I scoffed."So you're telling me I'm not pretty???" she widens her eyes and immediately denies what she said."I mean you're not pretty ofcourse you are somewhat Cute not sexy or anything because you're still a baby" I can tell she is flustered because she thought I'm offended.

"Jiyeon stop it,it shows that you're flustered you can't deny" we both giggled and she stand up opening my closet."So shall we begin?"

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