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After he said that the fire alarm started to buzz.All of the students are running outside.Because of that I can't hurry and save Minyoung.

She have asthma and smoke will trigger it.I arrived at the front door of the laboratory but I can't open it.It must be locked and I can't open it.

I keep banging myself onto the door but nothing happens.It still didn't work.I tried to look at the window but It doesn't work.The smoke covered the whole area.I couldn't hear any noise from the inside.

I can hear the sirens outside indicating that the fire men have arrive.I still tried pushing the door but still no progress.Soon a fire man arrived.He told me to stay away and go outside.

One of the rescuer helped me on the way outside.When we arrived downstairs we heard a loud explosion.I wanted to run back to Minyoung but they are stopping me.

I yelled and shouted her name with tears flowing down my eyes.I can't live without hear.I don't want her to disappear in my life.

I should have let her explained to me.We should be eating ice cream now,or playing some badminton at the park.

The rescuer is calming me down when the fire man who is assigned to help Minyoung arrived.Carrying her on his arms,shouting for more help from the medics.

Her feet got burned and she's unconscious.I can't help but blame myself on what's happening to her.I should've talk to her.Why did I decided to visit the infirmary?

Her parents are there including her grandma.Her friend Jiyeon is crying at her boyfriend's arms.She can't believe she's seeing her bestfriend in this kind of state.

The principal is talking with the fire men asking what's the cause of the fire.

After the ambulance left with Minyoung unconscious inside.I calmed down a bit,but I'm still thinking who the fuck started the fire.

It can't be her.Yeah she's scary when she's mad but the chances of that is like 25% possible.She probably won't be that mad to me.

Sunoo and Jungwon sat beside me carrying some banana milk.They offered me some but I refused.I don't have any appetite for those.

"Have you heard that Hyeon and her friend's confessed to the principal that they're the reason the fire started" I looked at Sunoo hyung who is sipping his banana milk.Jungwon hyung tsked and looked at me."Hyeon might did it because she knew about your relationship with Minyoung" I didn't reply."Aish that girl must have trap Minyoung because she's jealous" Sunoo hyung said.

I'm mad and furious that I wanted to punch her even tho she's a girl.I stopped myself because I don't want to get my hands dirty.The school will probably going to suspend her or much better kick her out of this school.She's known to be a bully to those girls who talk to me.I knew about this and told her to stop but she won't listen.She deserved all of those punishment.It's time for her to stop her wrong doings.

Daniel POV

Her parents are currently pacing back and Fort infront of the emergency room.I'm mad to that boy.She was waiting for him inside the laboratory.I know because she messaged me about it.She must have suffered from the smoke.If she'll die I can't forgive that boy.

If he came here to visit her I won't let him.

"Poor child must have been bullied by her schoolmates" my grandma said feeling sympathy."Those girls need to be punished I won't let this go" Her dad said furiously.He left to make a call with the principal.

After a few minutes the doctor came out and give us a sad news.

"She'll be awake for maybe a few weeks.We found out that she inhaled a lot of smoke that triggered her asthma.Gladly she is still alive.If she'll wake up we might run some test on her" her mother cried and keep thanking the doctor.I thanked him too.

"I'll transfer her immediately to America.She's not safe here anymore.I won't trust her to any school here" my grandma said.I can't help but agree.

I heard Jiyeon cried on the side.She can't help but to think that her bestfriend is going to leave her.I talked to her and let her understand on what's currently happening.

She's mad at Ni-ki too.I found out that both of them had an argument about Ni-ki being Jealous.

They move Minyoung to her private room and Jiyeon said her goodbyes because she still have a tutor class to go.

I was sitting outside her room when I saw her so called boyfriend arriving with his friends.

The nerve of him to come here.I rolled my eyes and stand up facing him.

"Why are you here? I thought you're mad at her.See she's suffering now" I said furious to him."Daniel calm down,we just wanted to make sure she's okay" Jay hyung said but it still didn't calmed me down.It even made it worse.

"She's okay? Your friend here is the reason she's not okay.Did you know that she's waiting for you the whole time inside the laboratory" I was going to clasp his collar when Sunghoon hyung stop me."Ni-ki is sick Daniel he stayed inside the infirmary" I tsked and let go of him.

"Then why is he avoiding her.Jiyeon told me he didn't talked to her almost the whole day" This scene is funny.I could have punched him if he wasn't older than me."I'm sorry" I tsked and rolled my eyes at him."Dont talk to her ever again.I can't trust you with her anymore"

I signalled them to leave and they followed.I teared up knowing Minyoung love him so much.She'll probably going to be mad at me if she'll know that I almost punched her boyfriend,but I don't care I'm mad and it's all of his fault.

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