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I don't know what to do actually.I'm just crying my eyes out.I'm too late, he's already seeing someone else.

Like I also did before.I did love JayJay but it didn't last long.After I remember Ni-ki again.I forgot my feelings for him on the other hand.

"MINYOUNG YOU'RE AN IDIOT" I shouted my lungs out and broke into tears.I sat down on the edge of the rooftop barriers and cry."You lose your first love you dummy" I sadly giggled and cry again.

I yelled hoping that the pain will ease a little.

"Yeah you're a dummy for not letting Heeseung hyung explain" I look up until my eyes meet the eyes I wanted to stare at."Ni-ki" I softly say his name and sniffed."That's my Arts teacher who live on our same floor,if you're wondering who she is" I mentally slapped myself.I am really a dummy and an idiot.

Sometimes I realize that's the reason me and Jiyeon are friends we are both dummies for no reason."Did you hear everything I just said" he nods and slowly make his way to me."I hear everything from top to bottom" after he said that he's already infront of me.Staring deep into my Eyes.I'm nervous and scared at this moment.It's either he still have feelings for me or the other way around.

"Minyoung,I wanted you to know,that after a year without you I was so down that I don't know if I can ever love again.I know from the very first time,the time I realised that you're the one who make my favorite bungeoppang.The one who's taking notes for me.That you're the one I needed to complete a missing puzzle piece inside my heart.I can't let you go now like I did before.I was ignorant and stubborn that I let my jealousy get into me that Time.Not until Sunghoon hyung told me himself what really did happen" he took my hand and kissed it gently.

"I don't know will happen to me if I'll lose you again" I saw Ni-ki's eyes going to tear up any moment.He's sincere to all of his words that he told me.I want to embrace him into a hug immediately,but I wanted him to finish his sentence first.

"I miss you.Please comeback to me" a tear escaped his eyes looking straight into my orbs.I felt like I'm going to explode.The happiness that I'm feelings wants to break out of my lungs.

"I love you" I replied and embraced him into a tight hug.I don't want to let go of you Ni-ki.I'll be here with you again thru ups and downs.He hugged me back and both of us can't stop ourselves from crying.

We both plop on the floor crying both of our eyes out.

"I love you too Minyoung" he cupped my left cheek and slowly lean in for a kiss.I admit I once imagine my first kiss to be him.I even told myself that I'm going to have my first kiss infront of the altar with him as the groom.

After a few second we both let go."I'm so happy" he kissed my forehead and replied."Me too my love me too" we both giggle and decided to watch the sunset together.

Daniel POV

"Grandma you can't let her go like that" I barged inside my grandma's office.Those she know how risky it is for her to comeback there.They didn't learn about what happened before do they?

"Daniel Dear please calm down" I don't want to calm down if my cousin who I treat as a sister is going to go back to Korea,and probably got back with her ex who almost got her killed."Grandma I don't want that to happen Again,I can't lose her" Grandma cleared her throat and tap the seat next to her.

I obeyed and sat down,but take note I'm not calm at all."Daniel,your cousin's mistake before won't happen again,It wasn't anyone's mistake.We don't know what's really going to happen that day" She sighed and continues."That boy also didn't know that accident is going to happen" she goes near me and caressed my hair.I understand what she meant tho.I still need a few more time to forgot what happened and be okay about their relationship.

"It's your cousin's decision Daniel.We can't do anything but support them.I learned from my mistakes too,I realize I should let your cousin do what makes her happy" I nodded.She's right,I guess both of them already realize their mistakes before and decided to change.I realize my mistake too and maybe letting her do what she wanted will be a good change for me.

"Thank you grandma" she smiled and kisses my cheek,standing up leaving me.

I took my phone and called Minyoung.

"Before you nag to me Daniel please let me-" I stop her sentence.She look scared that I might nag her and told her to come back here immediately."I'm not going to nag you stupid" I let out a giggle,earning a whine from her from the other line.

"Actually I wanted you to do what makes you happy.I'm sorry for what I have done before,Grandma also told me about her support to the both of you.I am happy that you find someone who can take care of you.Please Minyoung take care of yourself this time and spend a lot of time with your boyfriend.I love you my Dear Minyoung" after I said that I heard sniffing from her.

"You're such a cry baby Minyoung.Stop crying now,you might get a sore eyes.You're ugly when you cry too" I know she want to punch me after I said that."Im going to miss you Minyoung,Have fun okay" she hum as a response."I love you too Daniel oppa" she broke out a loud sob and I laughed so hard."Can I talk to Ni-ki?" she said yes and gave the phone to Ni-ki.

"Yo dude,I'm so sorry about what happened before.Take care of my cousin and don't make her cry again okay? Take care" I don't want to make it long.I hope he understand what I meant.

"Don't worry Daniel,I'll take care of her,Like a princess she is"

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now