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I widen my eyes.Did Ni-ki really asked me to go out with him? Did he really just said that.

"Ni-ki?" I said confused."What I meant is a friendly date.I want to know more about you" he replied nervously.

I hummed and I hide my cheeks from him.Ni-ki wanted to know more about me? I've been waiting for this too come.I won't miss this.

"So whe-" I was cut off when my loud cousin entered the scene.

"MINYOUNG! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU'RE SICK.LOOK AT....YOU LOOK LIKE A DEAD PERSON" does Daniel know how to lower his voice.He acts like I sprained my feet or much worse than that.

"And who's this?" he looked at Ni-ki furrowing his eyebrows.He know Ni-ki but never saw him so he's kind of protective now.

"Minyoung I have to go,the class is going to start soon" I can feel that Ni-ki is disappointed he still want to talk about our "friendly date" but it's ruined by my lovely cousin.

After he closed the door the nurse also arrived.Side eyeing my cousin.Daniel also glares at her.The nurse must be mad about Daniel being loud.

"Minyoung your homeroom teacher called your mom and she said she can't pick you up" he said with low tone.He knows how it hurts me everytime my parents just don't mind me.

"Atleast I'm here to pick you up.She called my adviser and told her I'm going to take care of you so I won't go to school" he smiles happily and prepared my bag.

"You agreed because you can skip school and play on your computer the whole day" he shows me thumbs up and gently help me get up.

"Taking care of you is more better than going to school honestly" he took my bag and we slowly go to our family car.

Ni-ki POV

I can't focus at class knowing that I left Minyoung with that boy in the infirmary.Who is he tho he looks genuinely worried to her.Is he her boyfriend? No probably not because she accepted going out with me.

But as a friend so there is a possibility she already have a boyfriend but she looks like she's not that type to be in a relationship at her age.Aish Ni-ki focus on your class not on girls.I ruffled my hair frustrated on what I'm currently feeling.

"Ni-ki psst" it's Jungwon hyung he must have notice how frustrated I am."Something wrong? Something bothering you?" well honestly yeah a lot.I guess I like this girl who I just talked to yesterday but she's my classmate almost half of my life then suddenly she got sick and I took care of her,asked her to go out with me so suddenly  and then that boy show up.

"Hyung what do you think of Minyoung?" he scoffed and look at me suspiciously."So Minyoung is the reason why you're frustrated and flustered" I rolled my eye and fixed my sitting position.

"Let's say she's pretty" he look back up again to the professor and I just tried to focus at class again.

Minyoung POV

"Glad your fever is gone now.I can watch some movies Yay!!!!" Daniel said happily.He is more happy than me.The reason why he agreed of taking care of me is because he can skip school.This boy I just can't can't with him.

I was daydreaming when my phone suddenly rings and the caller is unknown.

"Hello?" I said softly and waited for the caller to answer.It's Ni-ki,where did he got my phone number? I know its Jiyeon but she knows I don't allow to give my number to anyone without my permission.

"Minyoung Hi! Tomorrow is weekends and I don't really know what to do can you accompany me tomorrow?" he asked through the phone sounding so nervous that me myself felt the same.

"Ofcourse I would love to" I can feel him smile across the line and he told me his adress and hangs up.

So this is really happening.Me and Ni-ki going to hangout together at his shared apartment.I yelled and buried my face onto my pillow.I keep yelling when I heard Daniel rushing to enter my room.

"Minyoung what happened?" this boy he really run across the whole house to bring me medicine not knowing I'm allergic to it."Daniel are you an idiot?" I ask sarcastically."no why?" he furrows his eyebrows and looked at me innocently."Did you forgot I'm allergic to medicines do you want me to die?" he choked and runs downstairs knowing ill throw my pillow on him.

I sigh and stands up looking at my closet.What should I wear? I've never go out with a boy before.Jiyeon said I should be pretty when a boy ask me out but I have a bad sense of fashion.

Maybe comfortable clothes will do.We are only staying at his shared dorm.How about this hoodie.I took out the only hoodie I had in my closet and saw Ni-ki's jacket hanging with it.I forgot I still have his jacket and it still smells like him.Should I wear this? But he might think the other way.It's more comfortable tho.Okay I'm going to wear his jacket and my oversized t-shirt underneath.

"Minyoung your soup is ready come downstairs" Daniel yelled from downstairs and I go down because I don't want him to yell much.

"Daniel can I ask?" he hums and continue serving me some soup."If you're going to ask a girl out what do you want her to wear?" he choked again out of nothing.Did he already asked someone out? I didn't saw Daniel going out with someone tho."That's an odd question but okay cause you're interested" he stopped what his doing and looked at me."I just let her wear anything she is comfortable it.I want her to express herself and let her be." I pout and he squishes my cheeks."Why are you asking this stuff? Did someone asked you out?" he fixed himself and sitted beside me.

"I guess so"

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now