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"So Minyoung,What do you want to do? Barge into their dorm like a psychopath and then tell Ni-ki that you remember him" Jiyeon is getting more unbelievable.When will she learn to keep her mouth shut."You know Jiyeon.I just wanted to clarify things with Ni-ki and don't want to mess up like what happened before" she slightly nod with my statement.We both entered the elevator and waited for it to close when suddenly someone stopped it.

"Glad I catch it.Thank you so much" the boy with long black hair came pressing the same floor as Ni-ki and Heeseung's."Psst Minyoung" I snapback to reality when I heard Jiyeon is whispering beside me."It's Beomgyu you probably forgot him but-" she bite her lip frustrated and I'm here confuse what's happening to her.She get near me and whisper in my ear again."I used to date him before.I wanna leave this elevator fast" I scoffed and maybe a little teasing won't hurt right? Let's have a little bit of fun in times like this.

"Ahmm excuse me?" I tapped his broad shoulders and he looked behind him.I greeted him with a smile and he greeted me with a smile too.Can't deny he look very handsome.He also look very pretty."Yes?" gosh that voice.No wonder why Jiyeon dated him before.

"By any chance have we met before? Cause my friend here seems to recognise you" I slowly pointed towards Jiyeon who's hiding with her bag.She slowly look at the both of us with an awkward giggle."Probably,I guess acquaintances" I smiled and offered my hand to him."My names Minyoung" he gladly take it."Choi Beomgyu" after that he smiled and let go of my hand.

"MINYOUNG!" Jiyeon yelled making me almost had a heart attack because of her.She's in panic seeing her exes who she broke up with many dumb reasons."It's our stop already" she pulled my wrist making me almost to fall down gladly Beomgyu helped me."Be careful Jiyeon" My bestfriend here probably got flustered and decided to pull me like I'm sort of a puppet.

Because of Jiyeon panicking we had to go back on our way and find Ni-ki's shared dorm with Heeseung.It didn't took long until we arrived at their door step.Thanks to Jay.

"You should ring it" I pushed Jiyeon infront of the doorbell for her to ring it because I'm nervous."No you should ring it,you're the one who-" she stop speaking when the door suddenly opened revealing Heeseung.The boy who's probably exhausted widened his eyes and thought he was hallucinating at first.

"Why are you here Minyoung? I thought you're in America right now" I rolled my eyes in annoyance."I thought Jay told him already" Jiyeon said annoyed that Jay actually didn't tell Heeseung that I'm going to their dorm.

I told Heeseung about what really happened and he decided to let us in after many interrogations.He let us explain ourselves first before letting us in.Which I don't really mind.

The moment we entered Heeseung offered us some snacks and let us sit comfortable on their couch"Ni-ki is probably sleeping right now,I'll try to wake him up" Heeseung was going to enter Ni-ki's room to wake him when I stopped him."Heeseung oppa can I ask if Ni-ki is dating anyone right now?" He sigh and told me that only Ni-ki can answer that.What's with him he's making it hard for me.

He tried to enter Ni-ki's room again but got interrupted for the second time when the doorbell ring.Heeseung told us he'll take it for a moment and we nod.We need to be patient cause I'm still very nervous.

"Oh Rina what're you doing here" we heard Heeseung say her name.It's probably the girl we saw earlier."I'm here to return Ni-ki's jacket he handed me the other day when it was raining" The jacket.I remembered the first time we had a chance to talk to eachother.The moment we shared when it was raining.I hope it's not what I am thinking.She's returning it back so Ni-ki didn't told her to keep it like he did to me.

I was wrong.

"I thought Ni-ki told you to keep it" After Heeseung said that,I don't know what's got into me.I'm jealous for some reason and all of our happy memories together came flashing back to me.What if he also did all of those things with her Those moments that I thought will be for the both of us.

I'm shattered.I don't need to ask him anymore.I'm just hurting myself.I heard Jiyeon rushing towards me.She caught me eventually but when she saw me crying she let it go.She knows I need an alone time with myself.

I also need to cry my eyes out for a bit.

I'm too late already.He probably moved on.It's been a year tho,a year he couldn't contact me.Probably he doesn't only lost contact he also lost his feelings.

Maybe it's the time too for me to move on.God sometimes I wished that accident didn't happen.We could have spend much more of our time with eachother.

3rd Person POV

Ni-ki heard all of the rumbling outside and decided to go out and check what's happening.He saw Rina who's siting on their sofa together with a girl very familiar to him.It's Jiyeon,Minyoung's bestfriend.

"Jiyeon why are you here? Are you with Minyoung" he smiled hoping his hopes are right.That Minyoung really cameback and remembered him.

God knows how much broken he is when he found out that Minyoung can't even remember him.He always blames himself upon what happened,even tho His Hyungs told him that it's not his fault.

He looked at Heeseung who sighed and made his way to him."Yeah Minyoung is here but...she left,she misunderstood things here" he furrowed his eyebrows confused."She thought that you're dating someone already and that girl who she thought you've been dating is your Art Teacher" Jiyeon can't help but snort when she think about her bestfriend.Who always call her dumb actually dumb too.

Except of hearing explanations she run off like a cheetah."You should go after her" Rina told him and Jiyeon added."She's probably in the rooftop.

"Thank you" he run off leaving the three who's lowkey cheering for him.

"Do I look that young for a 30 years old?" Jiyeon giggled and nodded."Can I ask what's your skincare routine" the two girls started chit chatting about girl stuff and all Heeseung could do is sigh.

Hoping that this mess will soon have an end.

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