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"We are just friends Mrs. Lee" I awkwardly replied to her."Then you both should start dating then.You're a great match for eachother" Ni-ki looked at me and soon replied to Mrs. Lee.

"We'll think of that,Shall we start?" Mrs. Lee nod and guide us to the pottery station to choose the pot we wanted to design.

"I made all of this pots for the costumers.I hope you both will like it" she said showing us more and more styles of pots she made.We both are looking around finding the pot that we liked and soon I found mine.

It was on the top of the shelf and I don't want to force reach it.I might stumble and ruin all of it."Ni-ki can you help me with something" he already choose a pot for him so he put it down first and go near me.

"I want that one on the top" I pointed the flower styled pot."Oh that one sure" I was going to say thank you when I felt his hands wrapping around my waist.I froze at my position and I turn my head a little to him.Might as well get some explanations why is he carrying me."Hurry up and get the pot.You're kinda heavy than I thought" I cameback to my senses and took the pot immediately.

He bring me down and when I looked up.I met his eyes.Those eyes that I wanted to stare for a long time before and even now.We are both daydreaming when suddenly we heard Mrs. Lee fake coughed to take both of our attention.

"My husband and I started that way too" Ni-ki and I got flustered and space ourselves from eachother while Mrs. Lee is giggling to the both of us.

"Let's go to the painting station and design this pots" I nodded and we made our way to the back of the shop.It's the painting station were the costumers can costumize.

When we arrived,Mrs. Lee gave us our assigned sit and we sit right next to eachother."Ni-ki how do you open this?" I showed him a sealed acrylic paint and he slowly showed me how to do it.

I'm actually more focusing on him than the acrylic paint.It's just I can't stop staring at him at that point.

"If you won't use it put the seal back so it won't get dry" he nudged me and I nod.I realize I've been not moving for a while and I still got it.

"You're kinda good in painting Ni-ki.I mean I know you're good in arts and drawings" I scanned his half done pot and starts working on mine again."Drawing is just one of my hidden talents.I'm more on dancing" he replied.

"I always watch your performance" he looked at me suddenly and I look back."You did?" I simply nod and break the contact."You're one of my favorite performers" I giggled and he giggled too.

It was silent but comfortable.I really love it.I want this moment to not reach its end.

"Minyoung you have a paint on your nose?" I looked at him and then suddenly he boop my nose,putting some paint on my face.He wanted to have a paint fight with me and I won't say no to that,so I also put a blue paint on his cheek and giggled after I succeed.

We keep putting eachother some paints until Mrs. Lee caught us.She told us not to waste the paint and continue decorating our pots.

"Minyoung can I ask about your parents? Why are they not there when I pick you up" I pause for a second and sigh."Well they're always busy with work and they're currently in London having a meeting with my grandma" he slowly nod his head."I thought they're at your house so I prepared myself for some interrogation" I laugh and looked at him."Daniel is kinda good with that" we both giggled and continue doing our work.

After a few more hours of teasing and talking about many topic that randomly came to both of our minds our costumize pots are done.Mrs. Lee put them inside a safe box and we bid our good byes to her,we also told her how we had so much fun and we hope we can visit her again soon.She said she hope that the next visit will be the both of us dating.Which we didn't assure her because we're really just friends.

Ni-ki and I are currently making our way to my house.The Street not yet that dark but Ni-ki wanted me to stay close to him.We are currently intertwining our hands again because he wanted to make sure I won't get lost.

When we both got near my house I saw my parent's car parking at our front gate.I also saw Daniel waiting for the both of us.He look like his in a panic and in a hurry.I decided to tap his shoulder and he almost hit me because he got startled.

"Ni-ki you have to go her parents are here they might get mad" oh yeah right,since the incident before the teacher told my mom about my confession and it really angers her so she don't want me to talk to Ni-ki ever again.I'm still talking to him obviously.

"Sorry Ni-ki but thank you for today I had fun" I smiled and kisses his cheek.He pauses for a minute still processing what I did and smiled back at me.Waving good bye and making his way to the bus stop.

After I lost sight of Ni-ki,I looked at Daniel giving me that "What the hell did you just do infront of my salad" look.He also give me that disgusting glare.He don't go on dates that's why his bitter.I scoff at him and entered the house.

When I entered I saw my parents.Greeting the both of them and suddenly my eyes landed to my grandmother's.I also greeted her and she ask me to kiss her cheek and she scanned my face.

"You look like me when I was younger Minyoung.A pretty young lady" All of us heard Daniel snort and Grandma glared at him.He apologised and tried to stop his laugh.

"Why are you here grandma?" I asked to her."I'm going to bring you to London and study there.I'm currently working on your school paper works and soon you can come with me" I stand up from disbelief,I also saw Daniel losing his smile after she said that.

"What? Without my permission?? I told you all I'll think about it why are you guys always in a hurry" My mom stand up calming me down but I still didn't stop."My opinions are always irrelevant here.I forgot that my opinions is always useless for all of you" My grandma sigh and hold my hands."Grandma only want the best for you my dear and my friend's grandson,your future husband will be at the same school as you" I widen my eyes and it angers me more upon knowing I'm engage without my permission.

"Grandma Daniel is also your grandchildren why not him" Daniel stand up a little shock upon what I said."What? I don't want to get married" my grandma sighed again."Daniel will handle the company and that friend of mine,who is going to be our business partner only have a grandson" my dad cleared his throat meaning his going to say something.

"Your grandma wanted to make sure that they won't betray us.Knowing that you're also a part of their family" I teared up,there is really no escape for this."We are planning to leave a few weeks after my birthday party.So better prepare" I cried even louder.I wanted to leave this house immediately.I ran upstairs without looking back to there shouts.I heard Daniel following behind me.

"Minyoung where are you going why are you packing your bag?" I sniffed and slowly fill my bag with some clothes."I'm leaving here" Daniel knows he can't stop me so he help me instead.

"I know a place where you could stay"

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now