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Another morning in school another hectic day.All of the performers last night are so good especially Ni-ki.

He is really good in dancing.I wish I can dance with him sometimes but I guess I can't knowing we ain't that close.

The weather today is kinda not that good.The news says there is going to have a heavy rain.I love rain but Jiyeon and I decided to go to the mall today.I don't wanted it to be cancelled.

"I guess we should move the shopping day tomorrow if its going to be not that rainy" Jiyeon said while both of us are walking around the hallways to our own lockers.

"The rain looks like it's not going to stop" I pouted,looking outside the window.The rain isn't really going to stop today.

"You know your mom don't really allow you going outside when it's raining cause you get sick easily" she said and after that we arrived infront of our lockers.

After we put all of my notes and textbooks inside.We both made our way to the front door exit.

Both of us don't have any umbrellas with us which is very unfortunate.

A few minutes and Jiyeon's driver arrived to pick her up.She said good bye to me and she was entering when she stopped and looked at me with worried look.

"Minmin I'm sorry I can't walk with you home.Your mom is probably busy that she didn't know that's its raining" she looks really worried about me which I understand and very thankful for.

We both usually walked home together knowing that our house is just one bus ride away from school and both our parents are always busy at work that's why when times like this we expected our family drivers to pick us up.

My mom must've been so busy the whole time that she forgot to look up the news.

I widened my eyes when I saw Jiyeon giving me her drivers extra umbrella.

"Here take this.I know your mom really forgot about it so take it" I smiled and wave good bye at her.

I was going to step out when I saw Ni-ki.He forgot his umbrella too and I remembered his family is in Japan.He is only living in dorms with our school senior Heeseung.

I don't want him to get sick so maybe approaching him won't be that bad right?

The students already got home that's why I can really approach him without being issued.Which will be very embarrassing.

"Excuse me Ni-ki" I told him shyly I didn't stutter cause if I will the land better eat me right now.

"Oh! Minyoung,You're still here? I thought you already left" he looked shock when he saw me.He's so cute but when my name slipped out of his lips.I felt butterflies inside my stomach.

"I just wait for the rain to lessen a bit" he nods and I spoke again."You don't have an umbrella so I was wondering if we could go to the bus stop together" my voice came out soft.I look pathetic now in my opinion.

He smile again and took the umbrella in my hand.

"Let's go then" he giggles and opened the umbrella,I can feel that he's slowly getting near me and then I can feel his arm around my shoulder.

"Is this okay with you? I mean I don't want you to get sick that's why and the umbrella couldn't fit us both"

"It's okay I'm okay with it" we slowly walked outside.The puddles hitting both of our shoes.I can feel how cold my feet is.

But when I looked at him beside me.All of those disappeared replaced with the butterflies inside my stomach.

He is really near me.His arms are really around my shoulder.This must've been a dream.

I felt the whole world stopped when we are walking side by side.

We arrived at the bus stop on time.We both get in and I thought he is going to sit somewhere at the back where he usually sit but no he sit beside me.

"Here have this" he took off his jacket and offered it to me."You might get sick Ni-ki" I told him."No it's okay,you need it more than I do" he smiled and then I just accepted it.

The jacket smells like him.I imagine him hugging me with this scent.It's very calming and very warm.

The whole ride is quite but comfortable.The bus arrived at my stop and I told Ni-ki to just bring the umbrella with him, he keeps denying it at first but accepted it in the end and I was going to give his jacket back when he stopped me.

"Just take it with you.It's yours now I have plenty jackets at my dorm.Use it to cover you up from the rain" he smile and put the jacket again around me.

"Miss hurry up already its your stop now" the driver who is very impatient told me.

"Good bye Ni-ki and thank you" he ruffled my hair and said "Thank you too Minyoung"

When I got down.I can't hide the smile anymore.I'm so flustered the whole time.

Is this really a dream or nah?

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now