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After the party I told my grandma about Ni-ki.She told me if I'm sure with this guy and I said yes.She wanted me to think of things clearly because she didn't want me to regret my decisions at the end.

I was so happy for her decision of letting me end the school year first and think about my relationship with Ni-ki.The same night I'm also trying to call and text him.He didn't answer my calls nor reply to my messages.

It's making me worry.Heeseung oppa also said that Ni-ki is upset about something and we should talk about it.

Jiyeon visited me the other day and we talked about Ni-ki ignoring me.

"You should visit their dorm or something" she said chewing some popcorns.We are currently watching some movies."Oh wait....maybe he heard that Sunghoon is at the party.You know he's been always jealous of Sunghoon" I scoffed and took the bowl from her."He won't think that way"

The next day we met at school but he stayed away from me.He is sulking.I tried talking to him the whole day but all he say is he's fine and make an excuse.

I also saw Hyeon looking at the both of us.I saw her smirked and rolled her eyes on me.I shrug about it and continue trying to talk with Ni-ki.

I remembered that both of us are in the same science class and currently we're in the laboratory.The teacher paired the both of us and all he did is ignore me.

"Ni-ki why are you ignoring me" I said taking his wrist to halt."I'm currently doing something.Let's talk later" I scoffed and rolled my eyes."You also said that.You're making me mad Ni-ki" he looked at me annoyed."I guess we're mad with eachother then" I bit the inside of my cheeks trying to control my temper.

"Anything wrong Mr. Nishimura and Ms. Go" I cleared my throat nervously when our professor heard our little commotion."Nothing Sir,Can I visit the restroom" Our professor nodded and he left.

The whole time I didn't focus about the thing we're currently working on.Ni-ki still didn't comeback and our professor doesn't seem to care.

Thats why many students can easily cut classes especially when it's science."Psst Minyoung.Focus on your work" Sunoo called me after she saw me spacing out.

"Sunoo did Ni-ki told you anything about the both of us?" he thinks for a while and click his fingers."Nothing came in my mind but I guess you both are doing fine.He gets upset easily and jealous too but he'll be sulky for a few days then maybe buy him some ice cream and he'll be okay.It happens to the both of us all the time" I hummed processing what did I do wrong to make him sulky.

Is it really because I didn't messaged him the day of the party.I can't find a time tho and he knows too that I might be busy.

"Can you help me talk to him Sunoo" I furrowed his eyebrows."Did something happened?" I nod and he tsk his tongue."Visit the new opened cafe across the street they say the ice cream there is good" I smiled and give lots of thanks and thank yous.

I hope this will work.I'm excited for this class to end.

A few moments of boring class.Our professor decided to end it and Ni-ki still didn't get back.

I decided to wait for him and asked Sunoo if he saw Ni-ki tell him to meet me here.

I waited for almost half an hour and the students are slowly decreasing.

I sat the on the floor looking bored.Glad there is no mosquitoes here.I jolted when I heard the door slam.I smiled hoping it's Ni-ki,but it disappeared when I lock eyes with Hyeon and her friends.

"I thought we already talked about Ni-ki and you" she said and signaled her friend to lock the doors."I can't do it Hyeon.We adopted some good feelings for eachother" after I said that she throws the beaker on the wall near me.It scattered making a sound.

I hate the sound of glass being broken,It's making me remember of the fights my family had every family dinner.I hated it so much and I didn't realize I'm already tearing up infront of Hyeon.

Her friends and her started laughing at me."Wait let me do it again.I liked it when you're like this" she throws some test tubes and other equipments when she accidentally throwed a chemical that started a fire.

I closed my eyes crying while covering my ears.I want leave this place but it seems like I can't move any inch.I started to feel weak and all the things happened before started to flashback.

Hyeon and her friend started to throw some water on the fire but it didn't help.It makes it even more worse that's why they hurriedly left forgetting about me,who is hiding behind a table.

I can't stand up the smoke is triggering my asthma.I cried for help but it seems like the students couldn't hear me.

The things I'm scared the most happened.I started to breath in easily and it gets worst.

I was catching me breath when I felt myself falling down unconscious.

Ni-ki POV

I didn't go back to the class and decided to hang out inside the infirmary instead.I thought I was alone when I saw Sunghoon hyung is sitting on one of the infirmary bed.

He seems like he broke his arm."What happened to that" I asked and it makes him stand up.

"Oh this...I accidentally bumped a girl causing me to fall" I hummed and sat next to him.

"I saw you and Minyoung together at the ice rink" I said after taking all of my courage to ask him about it."She feels sad about her grandma and don't think of anything about it.I'm also dating someone now" I widened my eyes and looked at him with shock showed on my face.

"Minyoung reminds me of my sister because of her hitting puberty she space herself away from me.Minyoung reminds me of her that's why I only saw her as my little sister" now I feel bad.I ignored her not knowing what really happened.I'm being childish.

"What's with the pout face.You should talk to her.She's been worried about you" I smiled and decided to lay myself for awhile on the infirmary bed.

"I want to take a nap first" Sunghoon hyung hums.

I woke up after I felt someone shaking me.It's Sunoo and he look panicked.

"Ni-ki thank god Sunghoon hyung told me where you are" he paused for a second catching his breath."Minyoung is waiting for you in the science laboratory but..." He paused again making me panic.

"But what???" I said standing up and he spoke again."The science lab is currently on fire"

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now