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I woke in my bed sweating.I just had a bad dream.I keep dreaming about the same thing for almost a year now.Who's that guy who keep appearing in my dreams.I always forgot his name everytime I woke up,his face is blurred too.I even asked Daniel about him but only he could do is shrug about it.

Life in America is not that bad as I expected.I just kinda miss Jiyeon,she said its for the best thing so I agreed.I also got myself a boyfriend here his name is Jayjay.He is half Japanese half American.We met at the library in my school.We get a long pretty well that's why we ended up dating.

It's been a year too since we moved here and that accident happened.My mom said its not a big deal and told me not to think a lot about it.I'm at the park today waiting for Jayjay to come.We decided to meet here cause his parents are out of town.Mom still don't trust me with boys.

"Minyoung here" I saw Jayjay from a far waving his hands and I smiled.I run to him embracing him into a tight hug."I just finished my homework sorry if I came late" I giggled and assured him."Its okay it only took for a while" he intertwined both of our hands and signalled to the new food tent I never saw before."What food are they selling here Jay" he shush me and told me to trust the process.

"Here this is a Taiyaki,One of my favorite Japanese street food.Thank God this tent decided to make one" I giggled at how cute he is,I looked at the fish shaped buns infront of me.Suddenly I felt dizzy,it reminds me of something but I can't remember clearly.Maybe I'm just thinking of things."Oh I forgot there's a Korean version of this too.What is it called? Hmm wait let me remember" her start thinking what the Korean version of it is called and snapped his fingers when he remembered it.

"Oh right it's called Bungeoppang" my smiled disappeared.I slowly looked at him and an image of another man appeared in my vision.He have a cute smile,he looked very happy holding a fish shaped buns.It hit me,it's clear to me now.The boy in my dreams he's not just a random boy in my imaginations.He's the boy I first love,the boy I did everything to be with.I started crying and felt dizzy,I remember it all now I remember what my family lied to tell me.

I fall down taking the attention of JayJay who's eating the Taiyaki he ordered.The rest of what happened is just a history.I wanted to go back where it all started.I'm too late to remember.

I woke up inside the hospital.The doctor hurried took care of me upon hearing that I woke up.I don't want to see my parents,my grandma and even Daniel.They all lied to me.It's not even Ni-ki's fault.Yeah right I remembered him now.I remember every moment we spend together.I want to fly immediately to Korea,tell him how much I miss him.

I stand up making the doctors shock in my sudden action.They tried to stop me but I didn't seem to listen.My family just sighed because they know this will happen.

I told my Grandma's secretary to book me a flight to Korea immediately.I also decided to go home to pack my bags for the trip.It didn't took long till the secretary gave me my flight details.I didn't waste any time and made my way to the airport.

I badly wanted to see him,badly wanted to be with his arms again.Then it hit me,what if he's inlove with another girl.Even I myself fall inlove with another boy.If you guys are thinking what happened to JayJay.We talked when I was inside my mom's car.He confess that my grandma asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend,but he said he really did love me.He told himself to stop liking me but he can't.He accepted this fate and let go of me.He wishes me the best.

I only have one problem now.I don't really know which where to go.I'm in panic and shocked at the same time.I am having an emotion crisis.I started to feel dizzy again when someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder making me look at the guy.

"Minyoung? You're here?" it's Jay,he's with his parents."Jay can you help me?" he widens his eyes maybe shock because I remembered his name."S-sure,did you runaway from your parents?" I sighed."Doesn't matter,please" I hope he will help me I badly need help.

"Let's go" he took my wrist and we both made our way to his parents."Oh Minyoung you're here? I thought you're sick darling" Mrs. Park said."I remembered everything now Mrs. Park and I'm going back to Korea" Mr. And Mrs. Park exchange looks with eachother,looking worried if they should help me."But darling your condition? And where are you staying?" Mrs. Park have a point there.Where should I stay."You can stay with us Minyoung" Mr. Park said."Yeah,dad can tell you're mom how are you so she won't get worried" I nod and smiled at them.This is a first step.

I'll be back Ni-ki I promise that.

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now