//20// - END

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Ni-ki POV

I'm on my way to buy some flowers for someone very special to me.It's valentines and many couples are around,How cute.

"How much is this?" I asked the flower lady who's also done preparing the bouquet for the other couple who arrived first."Oh that's ₩6,268" I smiled and told the lady that I'll take it.

"This flower symbolise true love and respect,You have a good eye boy.The girl you'll give this to is very lucky" All I could do is smile and said my good byes to her.

It didn't take a while till I got myself a taxi and made my way to meet her.


I slowly walked around looking for her grave.It's been almost 2 years since she died.Her sickness got worse and decided to just accept it.

I know about it the first time we decided to make it official again.I thought she's recovering,but turns out it wasn't going to be that way.The girl I love broke her promise.

She told me we're going to get married and soon have a children of our own.Now she failed to do that.

I miss her so much,I miss her kisses and hugs.I thought I'm living the best fairy tale love story of my life.Turns out it will be this tragic.

I expected a love story that will end both of us having gray hairs and die old together.I can't even saw her get on that stage.I bet she's still going to be the prettiest girl.

Life is really unexpected.She was laughing earlier before she felt that she can't breath.We keep getting in and out of hospital because of it.

I told her we're going to visit Paris if she get well.I even plan to propose there immediately.

But she joke around saying she wanted to be buried beside her grandpa.I told her to stop thinking about dying,but deep inside I know the possibility of it is more higher than the possibility of her getting better.

Before she closes her eyes permanently.She told me how happy she is to meet me.How thankful she is that she discovered love through me.All of those will forever be alive inside of me and will never be forgotten.

Her last smile will be my favorite.It's weird to say this but that smile was the most genuine one I saw.I wish I took a pic of it.Right now it's just an image I can only paint in my memory.

"Baby,Happy Valentine's" I cleaned her grave who's been covered with dead flowers from her parents last visit.Her parents also decided to completely move to London because they couldn't handle the sorrow from her death."I bought you flowers,I remember you're allergic to this stuff but I know you don't have sickness anymore.You're free now my baby.You can do whatever you want up there.I know you're smiling right now,I hope I can smile too,but it's hard my Love.It's hard without you in my life" I caressed her grave imagining it's her cheeks.I broke out in tears realizing it's not the same.

The stone is rough and her cheeks are soft.

"I want you back my love.I miss you so much.I wanted to stay in your arms for more longer" I cried whispering those things inside my mind."I can't love someone again if it's not you" honestly I think I wouldn't love again after what happened with her.You might think it's pathetic but I really can't.Heeseung hyung even set me up on a date last year but turns out everything we do reminds me of her.

"I'm going now my love,Have fun up there.I'm sorry if I cry everytime I visit here.You hate it when I cry.I love you Minyoung,my first love and my true love" I left leaving the bouquet of forget me not flowers on her grave.

// many many years later //

3rd Person POV

"Is it really required for me to come with you dad?" The girl asked her dad who's helping her in carrying some bucket of cold bottled juice."Yes Rina,It's been a long time since I visited my friend's here in Korea" the girl scoffed and whined again at how heavy the bucket is.

"Hey Daniel,Long time no see bro" A handsome man greeted Rina's father."Long time no see too,Jake" they both chuckled and all she could do is roll her eyes."Jake this is my daughter Rina,This is your uncle Jake honey" the girl politely bowed and asked her dad if they could set down the bucket first because its heavy.

"Daniel!" another man shouted running towards Rina's father."Ayy Ni-ki what's up bro" they both do a handshake and embraced eachother."Doing good,My sister is busy with her work that's why she left me with her son.Don't worry he can speak Korean,He grow up here.Niko this is your uncle Daniel and this is his daughter Rina" the boy bowed and Rina smiled at him.She's happy that someone the same age as her will be also there.

"Let me guess your sister married a Korean man" Ni-ki shake his head indicating Daniel is wrong."She moved here with her husband,wanting to watch over me" they started talking forgetting about the two teens who's exchanging stares at eachother.

"Want to go to me and my Uncle's workshop?" Rina smiled and nod her head."You have a workshop?" the boy nodded."My uncle and I love to paint,His actually the one who thought me" Rina can't help but get amazed about the new boy she just met.

"Here we are" Niko helped Rina get inside their workshop.Rina could not help but say wow at how pretty the workshop is."This is the first painting I made" Niko proudly let Rina look at it.

Rina decided to look around the painting hanged on the wall.She can't help but get amazed at how beautiful it is.

"Oh did you made this one?" she pointed the portrait of a teen girl at the center of the workshop."Nope but my uncle is the one who made that,Probably the oldest one here" Rina looked closely at it,very carefully too because she don't want it to get ruined.

"She look like someone I know" Rina pointed out and Niko could only furrow his eyebrows."What do you mea-" the girl suddenly snap her fingers after realizing who it is.

"She look like my Aunt,My father's cousin" Niko is still confused.

"The girl's name is Minyoung" the both look at their backs and shock to see Ni-ki."You're right,She's your aunt" both of them don't know what to respond.

"The girl that I will always remember  and will never be forgotten"


Forget-me-nots symbolize true love and respect

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Forget-me-nots symbolize true love and respect. When you give someone these tiny blooms, it represents a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts.

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now