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"What do you want to eat Minyoung?" the whole time both of us is silent.After what happened few minutes ago.We avoided each others presence.No one dares to talk."Anything would do" he nod and go to the kitchen.

I looked around his room.It's tidy not like mines.He kinda loves plushies too which is so adorable."Where did you get all of this plushies Ni-ki" he looked at me and back to the plushie I'm currently holding."Last Valentine's in Japan" I hummed and put it back."I remembered you didn't go to school last Valentine's....I didn't had a chance to give you my gift" the last sentences came out of my lips in a silent whisper so he wouldn't hear.

"Don't worry I'll be here this Valentine's" he added and ruffled my hair then walk back to the kitchen.Ni-ki and I didn't interacted like this before.After that confession incident I avoided him.He rejected me and said that he's too busy for that kind of things.Take note he rejected me infront of our whole school.

I'm so dumb before,Who the hell will confess to her crush in the school Cafeteria,holding a banana milkshake and a chocolate cake.I'm too young back then too and I'm still New to this confession stuff.Now that I'm a little bit matured I know how to do it right.I guess.

I was still lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard the door slammed revealing a panicking Ni-ki. "Minyoung I was going to cook pancakes for you but I think I burned it" I laugh at how panic he looks."Minyoung it's no time to laugh.Heeseung hyung will kill me if his kitchen will be burned" I rolled my eyes and start making my way to his Heeseung hyung's kitchen.That he thought will get burn because he just burned a pancake.

"Ni-ki is this a chocolate pancake?" I broked out a laugh after seeing his over burned pancake."Yah! Minyoung don't laugh,It's a vanilla pancake I just over cooked it" I teased him by lifting the bottom of the pancake he cooked."Look its burned no one will eat this" I laughed again at how funny his pancake is."Stop laughing and start fixing it" he stopped me by holding on to my wrist.He badly wanted me to stop from teasing him.

"It's easy just turn the heat low and it will be fine,I'm going to watch you so you won't burn anything again" I teased him again earning a eye roll from him.I sat at the dinning chair near the stove and watched him cook pancakes for me."Am I doing it good?" I hummed as a response and he smiled."Minyoung I heard you're a good cook" I coughed upon on what he said."That was before,I lost interest and talent for that" he focused himself again to the pancakes and I just watched him,his back facing me.

That back of his that I easily recognise everytime.The back of his that I always admire from afar.He have a beautiful back and a beautiful posture.

"Here Minyoung I finished it already" he showed me his finished pancake topped with whip cream and a cherry.After that he put it infront of me.I can't deny it smells good,it turned out great this time.He's a easy learner."That's very pretty Ni-ki,Can I take a pic of it?" He nods and smiles at me.While taking some pics I noticed that he keeps staring at me."Is something wrong Mr. Nishimura?" he smirked to me after hearing his last name and me calling him Mr.

"Nothing is wrong,I just loved watching you" I started to blush.He really knows my weakness.His making my heart go somewhere else."Let's eat then" he told me a soft okay and ruffled my hair.He sat beside me with his spoon.

"We only have one pancake with us" I looked at him.I know he did this on purpose so that we could share."Don't you like it we could share and we won't eat too much sweet" he starts eating the whip cream together with the cherry.

This boy is really messy when eating.I can clearly see the cream stuffed around his lips."Ni-ki can you look at me for a second" I sighed and slowly took a tissue beside me.As I was going to look back to him I meet his to orbs.This eye contact is giving me a lot of butterflies inside my stomach.He coughed cause he knew this situation is very awkward and I'm going to make it more awkward after what I'm going to do.

"Ni-ki you have a cream here" I go near him and softly wiped off the cream stuffed on his lips using the tissue.He is flustered I can feel it.How he pauses even after I move away from him.He just stayed on his position.Still processing.

"Thank you Minyoung" he coughed to fixed his posture and start eating again.I slowly eat too together with him.After that I insisted to do the dishes while he decided to feed Bisco some snacks."Bisco must be close to you Ni-ki" I said while arranging the plates I finished washing.

"Bisco always stay at my mom so I only have him every once a week" I hummed and speak again."My grandma uses to have a dog and his name is Levi" I dried my hands using the towel and sat infront of him and Bisco."He died a few months ago and he is kinda close to me knowing that mom won't allow me to actually own one,I treat him like he's my own dog.I saw him grow up and died" Bisco run towards me and licked my cheeks."But now I have Bisco,this cute little baby" I said while playing and lifting Bisco up.

"You have me too and you can visit here if you wanted to play with Bisco"he said scratching his nape.How cute."Sure I'll visit here everytime baby Bisco is here" he smiled and I smiled too.

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now