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"Why do you want to see me" I asked and she throw the empty bottle on the trash can beside me.

"Ni-ki and I are working on our relationship" she walk near me."And don't ruin it" I looked at her and nod.

"Good,I know you're easy to tame.You know what I can do right? And what I can do to make Ni-ki hate you" I nod again and she scoffed."Why Ni-ki is hanging around with you anyway.You're such a loser" she bumped at me and left me alone.

This is my sign to stay away from him.I know what she done to all the girls who she saw making a move towards Ni-ki.It's easy right? We are still not that close.It's not that hard to stay away from him.

I arrived at the cafeteria and I can clearly see Ni-ki waving his hands toward me.He is also pointing at the sit beside him.I ignored it and sit next to Jiyeon.

"Is something wrong Minyoung? You look pale.Have you drink your medicine?" oh shocks I forgot to drink my meds."I'll drink later" she nod and offers me some pancakes."This taste good so don't worry about it being uncooked" I took a bit and she pats my head.

"Good my baby Minyoung is eating we-" she pauses when she saw the person behind me.I know it's Ni-ki so I don't want to dare look behind me.

"Minyoung come sit with us together with Jiyeon" Jiyeon fake coughed teasing me."No thanks,I have to go I have something to do" I stand up and Jiyeon took a grip on my wrist."Wait you still didn't ate anything" I smiled and took her hands away from me."I'm full" I can feel her eyes looking at me.I know I'm making her worried.

I decided to stay inside the restroom.Crying my eyes out because of guilt.I really don't want him to get upset but I don't want him to get angry to me either.This situation is making me dumb.

I took a pill from my pocket and drink it.I visited the infirmary before going here so I have a water.

My eyes won't stop tearing up.I don't mind if some students will hear my sobs.I'm so fucked up.

A few minutes later I decided to get out.My class will soon start so I need to fix myself.

I keep my head down while making my way outside the comfort room when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorr-" I'm going to apologise when he speak,making me widen my eyes and look up."Minyoung stop crying" It's Sunghoon is he here the whole time."Even tho I don't know why you're crying,please don't cry.It's hurting me" he wiped the tear stains on my face and offered me his handkerchief."Go to your class now" he gave me a hug and I hugged back.

He is making me comfortable and warm.

I decided not to go home at Ni-ki and Heeseung's dorm.It will be awkward.I heard he have a practice today that's why I left before him,so I can take my things from their dorm.Heeseung must be at home now.Daniel picked me up from there.

The whole class I ignored Ni-ki.It was easier now that I let all of my problems to someone.Sunghoon listened to all of my rants about what happened and told me I'm making Ni-ki upset and angry if I keep avoiding him.

I layed on my bed and took out my phone.There's a lot of messages from Ni-ki.Should I reply? Well Sunghoon is right.Maybe I just can lessen it a bit.

Ni-ki : Minyoung?
Ni-ki : Are you home now? Heeseung hyung said you took all of your stuff.
Ni-ki : I'm worried you didn't talk to me after lunch.
Ni-ki : Did I do something wrong?
Ni-ki : Minyoung answer me please
Ni-ki : Minmin :(

Ni-ki sorry I'm just not feeling well:
I'll make it up to you tomorrow:
I'm going to make you some bungeo-ppang :

Ni-ki : Okay you promise that,Good night Minmin

I closed my phone and sigh.I really can't avoid him.

I arrived at the school and I saw Ni-ki waiting patiently infront of our school gate.He was looking around when his eyes landed on me.

He smiled and start running towards me.He look happy,He acted like I didn't avoid him yesterday.He seem very happy to see me.

I widen my eyes when I felt his arms around me.The students keep looking at the both of us but we both didn't mind.He make me feel secure and assured.

Even tho Hyeon wanted me to stay away from him.I won't dare to do that again.He's my new safe place now.I hugged him back sniffing his perfume that I love the most.

I don't care what she'll do to ruin me and Ni-ki's friendship.I won't let him go.

"I woke up early just for you,So you better treat me some ice cream" I giggled and nod."Sure how many do you want" I intertwined both of our hands and smile.It fits perfectly."Maybe ten? Or maybe 20? I want many" I giggled and we both made our way inside the school.

At our classroom Ni-ki is talking with his friends and I'm here drawing some stickman on my paper.Jiyeon is not at school today she said her family is going out of town.

"Ni-ki it's weird there's no bungeoppang under your table anymore" I heared Sunoo talking with Jungwon and Ni-ki.I forgot about the bungeoppang thing I'm always doing.

"It's okay hyung...I have someone who can make me a lot of it" after he said that he took a glance at me.He caught me staring at him.He smirked and I hid my face on my book.

After class Ni-ki took me at the ice cream shop at the street not far away from school.We ran holding each others hands and sound of giggles can be heard from the both of us.

We're both happy.

"Can I have a mint choco please and what about you?" Ni-ki looked at me with a bit of disgust."I'll have chocolate" he ruffled my hair and smiled at me."What a sweet young couple" we both cleared our throat and awkward laughs escaped our lips.

"We're friends" this situation happens all the time.I'm starting to wonder what are we? Are we a thing now? Or are we working on it?

Missing You - Nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now