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"The ice cream here taste more good because of you" I snorted and laugh at his attempt to flirt with me."Like for real,you make everything taste good.Even the food they serve in our school cafeteria will taste good if you'll eat with me" He said still trying hard to flirt with me."You just wanted to find a way to be with me" He nods cutely.

I stopped laughing and he paused looking at me.He wondered why suddenly I become quite."Ni-ki...what are we?" he smiled and ruffled my hair."We're friends" I took his wrist off my head looked at him directly.Indecating that I'm serious."I thought we're more than that" I said softly and kinda tearing up.

"We can be more than that" I looked up at him with shock."Minyoung can I ask you on a date? Not just as friends?" I nod and he hugged me.I laughed at how happy he was.He become more talkative than before.

All of his jokes makes me laugh and we're very comfortable with eachother.We're still not boyfriend or girlfriend because we still want to know eachother more.

We rode the bus together and decided to hang out more tomorrow.

// few days past //

Ni-ki and I kept seeing eachother even at night when I'm craving for ice cream,he help me escape my parents watch.

Daniel is being sulky knowing that I won't spend most of my times with him.Heeseung oppa is also happy for the both of us.Jiyeon on the other hand is dating one of our school senior named Yeonjun.She was so happy that all of that hard work of mine before paid off.The bungeoppang I made everyday is not worthless at all.

Ni-ki's mom and sisters already knew about me.He told them the first time we go out as more than friends.She is very supportive to the both of us.

Konon and Sola also asked if I could make some desserts for them if ever they visit here.His mom also heard about me being a ballet dancer before and we get along very well.

My parents knew about Ni-ki and know about us dating.Grandma on the other hand still didn't know anything yet.Maybe after her birthday I'll tell her about it.

Ni-ki knew about the problem with my Grandma he didn't want to lose me when we're still starting our relationship.He always wanted tell her maybe we could ask her to turn it down.

"Ni-ki tomorrow is my grandma's birthday,I'll tell her after the birthday party" I told him while I'm laying my head on his lap."Can I come with you?" I sighed and turn around hugging his waist."You have dance classes and it's more important,I can handle this I promise" he smiled and kissed my cheeks."I know you can" I smiled and slowly fell asleep on his lap.

This is the day I'll tell my grandma about Ni-ki.The day she won't stop nagging me about my dress and to prepare my make up for tonight.

I don't really wear make up only for parties.She keep checking what I am doing every second.

The night has come and I got bored when I'm all done with the things I needed so I decided to call Ni-ki.

"Ni-ki I hope she won't get mad at me or something" he sigh and spoke."Don't worry Minyoung,She won't be mad because you're her granddaughter" I smiled and build all of my confidence.Thanks to Ni-ki.

A knock was heard from my door that's why I immediately said my goodbyes to Ni-ki.

My grandma called me to go downstairs.

I met lot of people and many old friends of mine.I only saw them when we have families parties like this.My grandma is also talking with her friends and laugh with them.

My mom introduced me to Mr. Park and it turns out it's Jay's dad.He also bring Jay with him.Jay is not the only one here,Mr. Sim an old colleague of my father is also here with his two sons including Jake.

A few minutes Sunghoon arrived with his parents.My mom and his mom are friends when they met at the same spa.It also turns out my mom watches Sunghoon's ice skating competition and is a fan of him.

The four of us spend the night.I was going to ask my grandma about something when I heard her conversation with her friends.

"My granddaughter will study in America now.She's also getting married" she said after sipping her wine."What if she don't want to Taeyi" one of her friends ask."Well...even she liked it or not she'll still go to that school.Even she tries to find a reason to stop me" I got upset after hearing that.The confidence that Ni-ki build with me suddenly crashed down.

I felt like crying my eyes out so I decided to left.

I was going to leave the house when a hand stop me.It was Sunghoon,He signaled me to follow him and I followed.

He bought me to the ice rink.It was almost closed but he asked the guard if we could stay for a while.I don't know how to skate so he teach me how to.I'm a fast learner so I learned easily.

He's holding my hands so if I fall he can help me immediately.

"Ni-ki and you are good together.So don't worry everything will be fine" he said gently swaying me along."I hope so.Grandma really wanted me to study in America" I sighed and he stopped moving.He look back at me and cupped my cheeks."Don't worry okay? My little sister not by blood but by heart" he ruffled my hair and we continue to skate.

Ni-ki POV

"Hyung where are you going can I come? Minyoung still didn't call me" I pouted acting cute to Heeseung hyung."I'm going to skate,I guess is my skills are not good anymore" I don't know how to skate but I wanted to try it."I'll come okay wait a minute here" I hurriedly make my way to change my clothes,not letting him say no.

"Hyung is it far from here?" he stopped for a moment and replied."Hmmm kinda,well it's near Minyoung's house" I formed an o shape with my mouth and smile.Even tho I won't see Minyoung today,I'm glad my location is near her.

"Mr. Choi it's close already?" we stopped when we saw the security guard."Not exactly there are still some visitors inside" Heeseung hyung nodded and requested if we could stay too.Mr. Choi agreed and We both high five eachother.

"Why is it so si-" Heeseung hyung paused and I looked at Him.What's wrong with him,He looked like he saw a ghost.He slowly pointed at the rink and there I saw two people inside.

Minyoung and Sunghoon.He is holding her cheeks and they're both smiling.I thought she's at her grandma's party.Why is she spending her time with him.

My whole body is boiling from anger but I shrug it off and left without saying anything.Heeseung hyung also followed me.

"Ni-ki maybe you should let her explain" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well I don't need that"

"Yah Ni-ki" Heeseung hyung tried to stop me.

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