Chapter 2

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Albus Dumbledore, who is sitting on the head of the table looked at the order members with a look of sorrow but inside he was gleeful. Voldemort broke into Azkaban last night and freed his followers from there. He was waiting for him to come back so that he can play the hero again. The people are slowly forgetting what he did for them. They should be forever thankful of him for defeating the dark lord Grindelwald. When Tom Riddle started to gain power from the old pureblood families, he made him the next dark lord. That Halloween night, he thought he killed him for good but then he saw his soul disappear. He always thought that the boy is so much into dark arts but never thought that he will make horcruxes. He started searching for them and found some clues about them. 13 years of searching and only one is destroyed, he got the memory from Slughorn, he tried to deny it but Albus tore into his mind and found that the boy made seven. The one that is destroyed was a coincident, Harry destroyed it in his second year to save Ginny's life. If it isn't for Fawkes, the boy is useless, the phoenix was successful in stabbing the basilisk with the sword and then helped Harry destroy the diary.

Harry Potter is bored sitting in the order meeting. They are going on and on about the same things. There was a mass break-out in Azkaban and they are arguing over it. They can't change anything now, why bother arguing about it. Harry sighed and looked at others. Ginny is trying to control herself from sleeping, Ron is just filling his mouth with the food on the table, Hermione is looking at Dumbledore listening to every word he is saying, the twins just sat there looking uninterested, The others were talking on how to stop you-know-who. Wait, where is Isadore? He never cared about her but she is always with the twins, where is she? She is disappearing so much lately.

"I think there is nothing we can do about the breakout. We won't get anything arguing with each other. We have to be more careful from now on as Voldemort is back. At least the ministry now believes he is back which is good for us. Now I'm going to end this meeting here, you can leave." Dumbledore stood up and said to them.

Slowly most of the order members went to their homes and the only ones left were Dumbledore, Weasleys, Potters, Hermione, Tonks, Remus Lupin and Severus Snape.

"Severus, are you sure you really don't know if Sirius Black is with them or not?" Dumbledore asked him. He wanted to get Black out of the prison himself so that he can get the man's trust and with the Black seats on Wizengamot he can be chief warlock again. The ministry now believes Voldemort is back but still didn't appoint him as chief warlock and now Black is also gone from Azkaban. Did he really join Tom?

"Albus, the dark lord didn't even inform me about the breakout. I guess he started suspecting me as a spy." Severus informed him. "But Severus, you just have to check his house for Sirius. I knew he was a death eater but he should have thought about Harry before going with You-know-who." Lily frowned.

"He is a dark lord Lily. He has wards everywhere in the manor and he knows it instantly if anyone goes somewhere without his permission. He also has sworn us to secrecy about the location of the manor. Don't even ask where it is." He said when she was about to ask where the manor is.

"At least try to know if Sirius is there or not? We really need him Severus. He is Lord Black and Voldemort" everyone except the twins and Remus flinched, Severus due to burn on his hand. "Will get more powerful with his seats." Dumbledore said not noticing the dark look sent by Remus.

"I will try. If that is all I have some potions to brew." He stood and left without waiting for an answer. "I think he is lying. Greasy git." Ron muttered but everyone heard and no one even tried to reprimand him but the twins scowled at him while Remus shook his head at him.

"Are you going to stay for lunch Albus?" Molly asked him. Albus nodded and stayed for some more time.

"Where is Isadore?" Harry asked looking at twins. "She is your sister" "You should know" "where she is" The twins said shrugging.

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