Chapter 5

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The rest of the holidays passed very soon for Isadore and the rest of her family. She didn't spend much time with the dark lord except for her training. He was busy with ministry and his dear Bella, of course. She even went to talk to Arthur who was shocked to know the truth about her and what Dumbledore and lily did to her. He made an unbreakable vow to support her and not tell anyone that he knows about this. She was happy as he said that.

Isadore is going back the next day to Hogwarts. She knows that the healers the dark lord assigned to others were capable but she wants her family to be in perfect health. She didn't want to leave them. She just got them back.

Lucius just entered the library where Isadore was studying, he smiled at her and went towards her. Isadore didn't notice him until he shook her shoulder. She looked at Lucius and smiled at him.

"Lucius, what are you doing here?" Isadore asked him as the last time she met him was when Bellatrix dug her nails into her hand.

"I wanted to come and meet you but there was so much work at the ministry due to the Azkaban break out." Lucius smiled at her. "Severus praises you so much Isadore and I like you too. I just wanted to meet you before you leave for school. I know Draco is a prat and he won't listen to me at all. I apologise for all of his actions towards all these years and also for anything he might do this year. I try so much but I'm not a good father. Anyways, this is for you." He gave her a book on healing. But the book was not any normal one, it was the rare one that are not sold and are available only in the family libraries which people didn't like to share with others.

"Thank you so much." She smiled at him. Lucius smiled back. "Also, you are not a bad father. It's just Draco is always Mumma's boy more than yours. He listens to Narcissa more than you." She assured him.

"Narcissa" Lucius sighed. "I apologise about her too. I heard from Barty how they talked to you."

"Lucius, don't apologise for others. I don't care what they say. I just ignore them most of the time." She touched his arm and squeezed it smiling at him.

The dark lord entered the library searching for Isadore to see her and Lucius being close and her holding his arm. He didn't like someone else touching what is his. Isadore is his and his alone. He narrowed his eyes at them.

"Anyways, is this book from you family library?" She asked looking at the cover of the book. "Not exactly. It is from the library but it is not a book written by Malfoys. It is written by my  great grandmother who was a healer before her marriage to my great grandfather. She is a Malfoy by marriage but not by birth. Also she wrote it before marriage so this is not exactly a Malfoy family book." He explained her.

"She wrote a book before marriage, she must be very talented." Isadore wondered.

"She is, she was the head healer of St Mungo's and was the best healer of that time." Lucius said proudly.

"Did she write any other books?" She asked curiously. Lucius laughed at her.

"She did, I didn't know if you'll like it or not so I just brought one. I'll send you the remaining books after you reach Hogwarts." Lucius told her. *Also, no need to return those books. If you want you can keep them with you."

"Really?" Lucius nodded. She hugged him. "Thank you, thank you thank you." She said it over and over. Lucius patted her on the back.

"Don't mention it. I don't think Draco would even know or care about these books. They are just books for him but you like reading them and take care of them. So I don't see why I shouldn't let you take them. My great grandmother would be so happy that someone learned from her books." Lucius said to her.

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