Chapter 32

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"Lestrange?" Harry asked stunned and then looked at Romulus and back at Rodolphus then at Sirius. "Isadore is a Lestrange and you are a Lestrange too."

"I'm still a Black. Rodolphus is still married to my crazy cousin, Bellatrix." Sirius said and Rodolphus controlled himself from saying anything stupid. "That isn't the point though, is it?"

"No, it isn't." Harry shook his head and looked at Romulus. "Is that why you agreed to help me?"

"Yes and no." Romulus sighed. "You are family through both Sirius and Dora. Also, you were betrayed by the people you trusted with your life. I couldn't say no to you even if you weren't family."

"I don't want pity-" "I'm not pitying you, child. I'm worried about you. They are not same. I would never pity you. I know you wouldn't want to be pitied. My son was the same." Romulus chuckled. "Both of them, to be honest. They were just out of Azkaban and when Basti saw me looking at him sadly, he shouted that he didn't want my pity. He said he doesn't want to see me if I only want to pity him for wasting his life at Azkaban. I had to explain it to him calmly that I could never pity my own son. Sirius and Rodolphus were having fun seeing me beg my son to not shun me out."

"I didn't meet him. Rabastan." Harry said and Romulus nodded. 

"He is with the dark lord." Romulus said and the three of them waited for Harry to react, but he only nodded. 

"Is he- Is he going to kill me now?" Harry asked him. "I'm here with you, what if he punishes you?"

"He won't kill you. He promised Dora to not hurt you. He wouldn't want to go back on his promise that he made to Dora." Sirius chuckled. "He loves Dora." 

"W-What?" Harry squeaked out jumping from his seat. "B-But-" 

"You will see that he is different with us than he was with you. You will get used to it soon." Rodolphus assured him. 

"If you say so." Harry mumbled still trying to adjust to the fact that his sister and Voldemort, the dark lord were a thing, are a thing. "Anything else I need to know?"

"You don't have any problem staying with us?" Rodolphus asked and Harry shook his head. 

"I don't want to go back, please." Harry requested and Rodolphus nodded. 

"I thought so. Me, Siri and Dad will help teach you for your OWLs, Barty and Basti will be there too. But, I don't know how much Basti can be there to help you. Barty can actually be your full time tutor as he always complains how bored he is sitting home doing nothing. Dad can help you as your attorney too. Me and Siri will help you as much as we can if the dark lord doesn't have anything else for us to do." Rodolphus explained and Harry nodded eagerly soaking up all the information. 

"Mum wrote a letter this morning and she warned me to come back soon if I didn't want to face the consequences." Harry said passing a letter to Sirius who stayed quiet letting the other two talk mostly until now. 

"Don't worry about her, she is going to be out of our lives soon." Sirius muttered. 

"Are you going to kill her?" Harry asked and Sirius looked at him curiously. He didn't think about Harry's reaction to killing his mother, friends and others. 

"Do you not want us to kill her?" Rodolphus asked leaning forward and Harry looked at the letter in Sirius' hands silently. 

"I don't know. Just do whatever you want without telling me." Harry muttered and Sirius nodded not saying anything else. "I want to start training today. I'm too weak to even protect myself. I don't want to be useless if there is going to be war in the future." 

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