Chapter 4

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Bill Weasley is a very talented curse-breaker working for the Goblins. He used to work in Egypt but transferred back to Britain recently. With the return of dark lord his family is afraid of him living alone and forced him to stay with them in the potter manor. He knows that Lily Potter and his mother are very good friends, they met when the order of phoenix was established and became inseparable. They both trust Albus Dumbledore blindly and never question him but he is not devoted to Dumbledore like them.

Bill never liked how Lily Potter treated her daughter, he saw bruises and scars on her when he visited for lunch or dinner. She was never allowed to eat with them and when asked Lily Potter always said she doesn't like gatherings but Isadore is a nice girl, he saw her only few times. He didn't like what Dumbledore said about her going dark in the last meeting and how Lily talked about her, he saw Remus getting angry and leaving when she talked about Isadore like that. Also, dark is not all bad being a curse breaker he learnt dark magic in Egypt. He doesn't have any problem with dark magic.

Bill started doubting Albus Dumbledore recently and thought of what Dumbledore said about You-know-who. Is he really that bad? Or is Dumbledore showing him like that? If he wants to kill all muggleborn and Muggles then why did he kill James Potter on that night and left Lily Potter alive? How can a child vanquish the dark lord? If there is really a prophecy as Dumbledore stated, what is it? Dumbledore always said that he respects all creatures, then why did he let the bill on Werewolf rights pass? HE was the chief warlock at that time, he could have stopped it. Bill rubbed his temples as it started hurting due to lot of thinking. Maybe, Remus can help him see things correctly, he is a werewolf and still in the order and he loves Isadore like his own daughter. This is nice, he thought to himself before going to work, he took half day leave because of the meeting.

Arthur frowned looking at his wife and Lily Potter, they trust too much on Dumbledore. He trusts Dumbledore too but not blindly. He didn't like how Lily talked about her daughter, even if she is weak, she is her daughter. How can a mother say those things about her own daughter. Arthur didn't like Albus saying that they should control Isadore. Is there something that he doesn't know? What are they hiding? They are not going to say, even if he asked. Twins, they are very close to Isadore. He can get answers about her from them.

"Arthur, dear what's the matter?" Molly asked him concernedly. "You are not drinking your tea. Are you not feeling well?"

"No no, Molly. Just thinking about work. I should be going. I can't take full day leave." He drained the rest of the tea and left without waiting for reply but instead of going to floo, he went to twins' room.

Fred looked up from the new product he was designing when someone knocked on the door. George cleaned up everything when he went to open the door. "Dad, what are you doing here? Do you need something?" Fred asked him making George frown. He never came to their room. Only Molly comes, that to only to scold them for some prank they played on Ron or Ginny or Harry or Hermione.

"What do you mean by do I need something? I just came to see you two." Arthur entered their room casually. "Please dad, no one comes to 'see' us except Bill, Charlie and Isadore." George rolled his eyes at his father. "Yeah, now tell us what do you want." Fred said beside him.

Arthur felt as if someone struck him in the heart. What do they mean by no one comes to see them. They are family, did he really forget them? Is he a bad father, who forgot his own sons? He looked at the twins who were looking at him without expressions but he can see suspicion in their eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget you. I love you as much as I love the test of the family. It's just I guess work and then Harry and all. I didn't mean to forget you two. I'm really a very bad father, don't you think?" Fred and George looked at each other then at their father and hugged him.

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