Chapter 26

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"Severus, wake up." Lucius whispered as he shook his sleeping lover awake. "Come on, Sev. Wake up."

"What?" Severus blinked sleepily and saw Lucius sitting on the bed beside him. He looked at Draco who was sleeping beside him and moved his head from his chest back to the pillow and sat on the bed. 

"Outside." Lucius whispered and Severus nodded leaving the room glancing at Draco one last time. "You didn't tell me that he comes here at night to sleep."

"He doesn't want to sleep in the same room as Narcissa's informants." Severus said getting angry slightly. "I didn't want him to share the same room with those idiots either and asked him to sleep here with me."

"He is fine, right?" Lucius asked worried and Severus nodded. 

"What's wrong? I know that you aren't here for Draco." Severus asked wrapping his arms around Lucius who sighed and hugged him for a few moments. "Well, what is it? I have to go back to sleep." Severus said feeling sleepy again.

"It's Harry Potter." Lucius said moving away and looking at him complicated. "Sirius and Rodolphus thinks he is changed and he is innocent. Even Dora wrote to me about how her brother is not the same one from before after I wrote to her about Draco and how Potter wanted to harm him. I don't know what to think of it."

"Why are you here exactly, Lucius?" Severus asked rolling his eyes and Lucius huffed slightly. 

"Let me speak, will you?" Lucius said unhappily. 

"Then come to the point. Don't waste my time. I'm sleepy." Severus said irritated. 

"Rodolphus thinks that Potter is behaving odd and not talking to Sirius, who is quite upset about it and wants to meet him. He wants you to arrange it in your quarters so that they don't have to wait till the weekend." Lucius said and Severus narrowed his eyes in anger. 

"My quarters are not where parents get to meet their bratty children. Tell this to Lestranges and Black." Severus snapped already very grumpy from waking up at midnight and he became more irritated when he got to know the reason for the disturbance in his sleep. He loves his sleep, thank you very much. "Now, go and let me sleep." 

"Sev-" "Lucius, go. Don't make me kick you through the floo." Severus snapped and Lucius sighed. His lover always gets grumpy if woken up in the middle of the night, but what if the kid really does something stupid like Rodolphus is thinking. 

"Sev, please. Just make sure Potter is in his dorm if not for allowing Sirius to meet him in your quarters." Lucius pleaded. He hurt Sirius by mistake and he can't take back his words now. At least, he can help Sirius by making sure his godson is fine and try to gain Sirius' friendship and Rodolphus' trust again. 

"Why are you so adamant on spoiling my sleep?" Severus snarled lightly. "Can't we do this in the morning?" 

"No." Lucius shook his head. "Sirius is so worried according to Rodolphus and you know he is not well after returning from Azkaban." 

"Salazar, help me not to crucio that brat when I see him." Severus huffed yanking his arm from Lucius' grasp and walking out of the quarters with a swirl of his night robes. Lucius smiled at that. His lover surely loves to swirl his robes no matter the situation. 

"Dad, what are you doing here?" A sleepy voice sounded from behind and Lucius turned to see Draco standing at the door rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"Nothing important, Draco. I was just missing Sev and wanted to see him." Lucius said walking to Draco and steering him back into the room. "You should go back to sleep. You have classes in the morning."

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