Chapter 6

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Sirius knocked on the door of the dark lord's study and waited patiently for the man to call him in. He heard a thump and a few curses before the door flew open revealing Bellatrix who was glaring at him and the dark lord who was glaring at her. He moved aside for her to leave and went inside.

"Sirius, what can I do for you?" He asked waving his wand to repair the damage done by Bellatrix.

"Dora must've said to you about me going to take the Black Lordship?" He asked and the dark lord nodded. "I want to go now. I also have to check if Dumbledore took any money out."

"Are you going alone?" He raised an eyebrow. Sirius nodded avoiding looking into his eyes. "Rodolphus is letting you go alone?"

"He doesn't need to know everything I do. He won't care anyways." Sirius shook his head surprising the dark lord at his statement.

"May be Lucius? He is free for the day and can help you. I can ask him. I don't think it is safe for you to go alone. I mean the order wants you and Moody can see under the glamour, it would be helpful if you have someone with you." The dark said and Sirius nodded reluctantly. "Lucius will meet you at the floo in an hour. If it is fine with you?"

"Of course. I'll meet him in an hour." Sirius said before leaving the room. The dark lord summoned Lucius who appeared in front of him in a minute.

"I need you to go with Sirius and make sure he is fine. He is going to Gringotts to get his Black lordship. He is powerful but you know what happened to him and some situations might trigger him leading him into Order's hands. We don't know what Dumbledore might do to him if he gets him." The dark ordered him. "I guess he and Rodolphus had a fight or something and wanted to go alone. So, I suggested you."

"Of course, my lord." Lucius nodded his head. "Isadore would be sad if something happens to Sirius. I'll make sure he is safe even though he is capable of fighting himself."

The dark lord had to control his possessiveness when Lucius talked about Isadore. "He'll meet you at the floo in an hour." Lucius nodded and left.

"Izzy!!" A voice yelled from behind her and she turned only to come face to face with a chest. She grumbled and looked up at Fred who was smirking at her for being short.

"What is it Fred?" She said crossing her arms.

"Come with me. George is waiting for us." Fred said dragging her to the seventh floor and stopped in front of a tapestry before walking back and forth three times and before she can ask what he is doing, a door appeared in place of the tapestry.

"Wh- How?" She said in shock.

"Welcome to Room of Requirements." Fred said going inside dragging her along with him.

"I thought it was a myth." Isadore said looking around the room. It looked like a duelling room with dummies in front of them.

"So, as you said-"
"-you got trained-"
"-by the great dark lord-"
"-himself, we want to-"
"-learn what he taught-"
"-from you and this is perfect-"
"-for training without anyone knowing."

"Yeah, perfect." She grinned at them. "I was thinking myself about where to teach you all the spells I learnt with the dark lord."

They spent the whole evening in the room of requirements. Fred and George are fast learners. Isadore missed the dark lord and his instructions while she practices. His gaze never leaving her. She wanted to go back and ask him why he kissed her. She also missed her dad, papa and uncle. She hoped her dad apologized to her papa for saying those hurtful things.

"Oh, look at the time, will you?" George said and it was almost dinner time. They checked the map to make sure no one is there before leaving the room and to the great hall.

"I want your help." She said as they walked.

"Anything." They said at the same time.

"Lucius loves Draco so much and I don't know what to do to make Draco see that Narcissa is only using him to hurt Lucius cause he loves someone else over her." Isadore sighed.

"We'll think of what to do." They said to her and she nodded.

Harry was at her side as soon as she entered the great hall and dragged her away ignoring her protests.

"What the hell Harry?" She shouted at him.

"I need to talk to you. You are avoiding me." He huffed crossing his arms. "Where were you the whole summer? You were not home."

"That place is not my home." She glared at him.

Harry frowned. She never talked like this to him. Even when mum scolded her for something he did, she was nice to him. "Where were you?" He asked her.

"Why do you care? You hate me, don't you? You want me gone anyways and I left." She said pressing her lips into a thin line.

"I don't hate you." He shook his head. "I mean, yeah I blame you for everything I did so that I can get away from being scolded but I never hated you." He frowned at her.

"What do you want from me Harry?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"I just want to know where you were. I was worried." He said frowning a bit. Isadore snorted confusing him.

"Do you want me to believe all that nonsense Harry?" She rolled her eyes. "Did Lily sent you to ask me or Dumbledore?"

"Lily? You are calling mum by her name." Harry was very confused.

"That woman is not my mother. She will never be my mother. She slapped me in front of everyone and called me a slut." Isadore said angrily. "I hate her as much as she hates me. If that is all. I'm leaving." She left leaving Harry alone and confused.

What is she saying? Mum would never do such thing to her daughter, yeah she is a bit strict towards Isadore but that is because she is a girl. Mum always said that Isadore needs to disciplined and he never questioned his mother even though he never saw Molly do that to Ginny. Is there something that he doesn't know? He needs to find out what Isadore was saying.

A few hours back, Sirius smiled as Lucius entered the room.

"Sorry to make you wait Black." Lucius apologized.

"No, I just came in a few moments back. Also, call me Sirius." He said not noticing Rodolphus at the door frame. "Shall we go?" Lucius nodded and he went first as he needs to make sure it's safe for Sirius.

"Where are you going?" Rodolphus asked Sirius who paused for a moment but threw the floo powder calling his destination not answering Rodolphus.

"Woah, did Bellatrix do something again?" Rabastan asked looking at him. "What is it?" He frowned when he didn't get any answer.

"Mind your business." Rodolphus snapped before going to his room.

Rabastan raised an eyebrow at his back but left the matter. He was actually searching for Sirius to talk to him. He is bored and he found Sirius quite entertaining compared to others. Sirius knows how to make one cheerful even in their foulest moods. He sighed and went to his brother's room ignoring his mood.

"Where is Sirius?" Rabastan asked him.

"I don't know." Rodolphus didn't look at him.

"You should know, he is your to-be-husband, isn't he?" Rabastan asked sitting on the armchair.

"Looks like he isn't." Rodolphus said in a monotone.

"What!?" Rabastan shouted at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"Sirius went with Lucius somewhere and ignored me when I asked him." Rodolphus shrugged.

"You must've said something to him. He is always in his room for the past few days. I thought he was sad because Dora left." Rabastan scowled at him.

"I didn't say anything." Rodolphus glared at him.

"Yeah, you don't even know what you say when you are angry. So, don't even bother trying to tell me it's not your fault that Sirius is angry at you." Rabastan rolled his eyes.

Rodolphus was about to open his mouth but he remembered Dora saying how he hurt Sirius more than the guards at Azkaban. He was too distracted by the fact that his daughter kissed someone that he didn't notice what she said at that moment. He said Sirius is just like his mother, he compared Sirius with the woman who made his life miserable. He feels stupid now. He shouldn't have said that.

"I fucked up very bad." He muttered out loudly.

"Nothing new." Rabastan said boredly.

"I have to make it up for him. I'm such a terrible partner." He said running his hands down his face.

"What did you even say to him?" Rabastan raised an eyebrow.

"I said he is just like his mother." Rodolphus cringed. Rabastan looked at him as if he is mad.

"No doubt he is ignoring you. If I were in his place, I would've killed you for even comparing me to such woman." Rabastan said glaring at Rodolphus.

"I know, I know." Rodolphus sighed. "What should I do?" He asked after sometime.

"Buy some gift no gifts for him. Apologize to him." Rabastan sighed. "You know Azkaban affected me more than I would like to think. I didn't even kiss Barty in this whole month. He must be thinking I don't want him anymore." He shook his head. "Everytime I'm near him I remember his dead face that I got from dementors."

"You should probably see your love life. I'll manage." Rodolphus patted him on his back.

"What do you mean by he took out my family heirlooms?" Sirius asked angrily. "I don't think anyone other than blood are allowed into the family vault." He glared at the goblin. "How much did he give you to keep your mouth shut?"

"Sirius, you can't accuse a goblin in their territory. It's dangerous." Lucius whispered to him.

"Lord Black, how can you say such words to me?" Langlock asked in anger but he is not shouting instead he was a bit nervous.

"Swear on goblin's magic that you are not bribed by Dumbledore." Sirius said ignoring Lucius' sharp intake of breath. "No, wait. I want to talk to King Ragnock. Immediately."

"You can't make such demands in our place." Langlock glared back at him.

"I can and I will. My family trusted you with our money, properties and heirlooms only to see that you let someone else into our vaults without our permission. What did you think? You thought I won't be back or I wouldn't have cared?" He glowered at the goblin. "I want to talk to King Ragnock now." He slammed his fists on the desk in front of him.

A goblin entered the room panicked at the sound. "What's happening?" Griphook asked them.

"Griphook, if I'm right?" Sirius asked him and Griphook nodded shocked that a wizard remembered his name. "Very well. My family account manager here let some people who are not Black by blood or even magic into my family vaults without my permission. I feel he was bribed by Dumbledore and request an immediate meeting with King Ragnock."

Griphook's eyes widened a little. He was about to open his mouth to support his fellow goblin but one look at him said that it was true. Griphook sneered at Langlock and turned to Sirius with an apologetic expression.

"I will inform the king about this immediately, Lord Black." Griphook informed him before leaving the room.

Lucius was surprised to say the least. Sirius talked to a goblin rudely and accused him of being bribed and is still not dead. He even said it again to another goblin who instead believed him and went to inform the king.

"I was scared for a moment that they will kill you. What would I have answered to the dark lord and Rodolphus would have my head for sure if something happened to you." Lucius said to him.

"They won't. I'm not lying and they know it." Sirius said with a small smile.

"Lord Black, Lord Malfoy. The king would like to talk to you." Griphook said to them. "Langlock, come with us." He said growling at his fellow goblin. Sirius and Lucius followed along with a reluctant Langlock.

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