|| New opponents?

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At an unknown destination~

Inside a huge yet dark stadium~

Author's pov~


Eleven figures could be seen on their knees breathing heavily on the field.

"Come on team! You'll can do it!!" a voice cheered from the side benches.

Few of the figures tried to stand up but fell to their knees again.

"I think you should stop the practice." A man, who sat on the bench beside a lady suggested to her.

"No." Was the answer of the lady.

She then stood up and walked towards the field margins.

" Get up!! It's not a time to rest!! don't forget that your rest is taking us away from our aim!!" She yelled to the players.

There was a moment of silence before a figure with a yellow captain band stood up and shouted,

" C-coach is right!! Get up and resume the practice everyone!!!"

"Y-yes C-captain!!!"

The man stood up and walked beside the lady.

" They are beyond dedicated..... and that's what makes them different from other soccer teams."

"I know... And I am proud of that fact." The lady, who I suppose is the coach, said.

At Tokyo Soccer Stadium~

"Oh come on man... I am sick of waiting now!!" 

" ME TOO!!!!!!!!"

" Mark, Sonny, I think you two seriously need some patience classes to join." Jude said folding his hands.

"I agree... But even Coach Yi and Coach Travis are taking forever to come." Maxime said.

" I don't understand why they called us here when they could just talk to us back at Raimon town itself." Elliot questioned as he removed his headphones.

"Maybe it is something important..." Axel said putting his hands into his jacket's pockets.

"I think the same, or else why would've they called us?" A voice said from behind them.

Turning around, they saw...........


"Hi guys!" Byron greeted as he descended the stairs with his teammates.

"Hi! and Hi Wesley! Hi Henry! It's good to see you guys!" Mark exclaimed happily.

" It's good to see you'll too, Mark!" Henry greeted.

" You guys were called by Coach Yi and Coach Travis too?" Sonny asked.

" Yeah, and even our coach insisted us to go." Wesley replied.

"Oh... I wonder what's the reason." Jude said to himself.

"So Girly! How's it going?" Elliot aske- mocked Byron.

" *chuckle* you're still the same Elliot!" Byron said chuckling.

Elliot crosses his arms over his head and replied,

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