☆*: .。. "Our Lives Outside... Unlike the one you see" .。.:*☆

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Episode 2:-

~☀We are complete!☀~


??? pov~

Oshiro Junior High...

I am finally here...

taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car... towards the gigantic gates of the Popular school.

I was walking alone towards the school building, I guess I am late on my first day of school itself!

" hello, there little one!" I heard a female voice a bit far away.

I turned to my right side and saw a young lady approaching me.

"H-hello!" I greeted back cheerfully yet stammering after seeing a stranger lady talking to me.

" you must be the new transfer student right?" the lady asked gently.

I nodded and handed her my admission detailing paper.

" oh! So you have moved here from Tokyo? Nice! Anyways, your class is on the 3rd floor. But right now all the students have been given a short break and they all are in their respective club rooms. You can have a little stroll around the school if you want!" She said smiling warmly.

I smiled a sunshine smile and Hoped to a direction she pointed at.

I skipped through the hallways.

Gazing at the beautifully sculpted walls and pillars.

It seemed that this building is not a school... But a castle of the Modern era!

Soon... I reached a hallway from where I heard many faint voices.

I got curious and followed the voices.

Following and following, I reached a soccer field.

9 girls were playing in there and 3 were standing at the benches cheering onto them.

"Soccer..." I muttered as a bright smile made its way to my face.


"EEPP!!" I quickly turned around, just to see a girl with greyish-green hair and turquoise eyes.

"Oops! Did I scare you?" The girl asked.

"Umm.. no! I was just surprised!" I replied.

"Oh! Anyways, I am Jennifer!" She said extending her hand.

" Nice to meet you, Jennifer! I am Unmesha! Unmesha Liova!" I replied with a closed eyes smile and shook her hand.

" Nice to meet you, Jennifer! I am Unmesha! Unmesha Liova!" I replied with a closed eyes smile and shook her hand

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