|| Day 2- Alpine Jr. High vs Alia Academy!

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Author's pov~

At the stadium~

The crowd was wild! 

Why wouldn't it be?

One of their 2 popular teams was going against each other.


The crowd went wilder!

" Today is the second day of the frontier tournament! Yesterday, the new all-girls team The Dynasty Rulers stayed true to their name and ruled the field and made the goddess of victory smile upon them! But let's see who can do that today! Whether Alpine Jr High... or Alia academy?!" Chester announced.

Both the teams entered the field.

In the players' section, the players were looking at Jennifer weirdly cause she was trying her best to keep Hazey in her embrace and not jump around.

" Hazeyyyyyy!! Sit here still!" Jennifer scolded.

The little bunny stopped struggling and looked like it was pouting!

" Good Boy!"

" Both the teams' captains, Shawn Froste and Hunter Foster have shaken hands!" Chester announced, catching everyone's attention.

" Let's have a good match!" Hunter said to Shawn.

" Yeah!"

 While that time, Aiden and Xavier gave each other a competitive smirk.

In the dark room~

Henry Goldwin was sitting on a royal chair patting his white-furred cat.

" Have you done the preparations for today Nox?" He asked.

" Yes sir..."

" Remember, you failed me last time just like Colvin did... this is the last chance for both of you... let me down... and you both are off the mission!" Henry said strictly.

Nox; and Colvin who was standing in the corner of the room; flinched at his words.

" We won't fail you this time Sir... this plan is full proof!" Colvin said.

"It better be..."

Back at the field~

" Both the teams have taken their stances!! The Match starts anytime!"

" I am so excited! Aren't you too Auri?" Anna asked.

" Why are you asking if you already know my answer?" Auriana questioned back.

Anna placed her head on her bestie's shoulder and looked ahead.

" Last night's video call chat was nice... wasn't it?" Anna smirked.

Auriana's eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed pink.

" What video call?" Ashley asked.

" Nothing!" Anna replied.

" And here! the Match begins!!" 


The game began with Alpine's Kickoff.

" Aiden!"

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