|| Day 3- Pole Star Academy vs Royal Academy!

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Author's pov~

Taking the doctor's permission, the players of Alia academy and Alpine Jr. High were allowed to see today's match.

Though.... they were not allowed to exert themselves too much... they cheered on their friends entering the field today.


The crowd went wild.

And then, Chester continued.

"Today's match will be one interesting thing to watch! On one side we have the Devil of the soccer field Elliot Ember and his close comrade and master of agility, Acker Reese! and on the other side, we have national Champions like Caleb Stonewall, David Stamford, and Joseph King! Everyone seems very eager to know whom the goddess of victory will shower her blessings!" 

Whereas on the field, Elliot was cringing really bad.

" This guy is not my close comrade..." he said referring to his captain.

" Let this match be the best we could play so far!" David said and extended his hand for a handshake.

" Right! let's give in all we have!" Acker said and shook hands with him.

Caleb, as usual, was lost in his own little world of imagination.

' I hope... those accidents won't happen again... I doubt if they were even accidents...' He thought and looked at the Player's seating section, where the seats of the Dynasty Rulers were empty.

Caleb then turned around and took his position.

At the player's seating section, 

Everyone wondered where the DR went.

With the other Coaches, Coach Ember was present, but here with the players, the DR players were absent.

" I wonder where they are..." Mark muttered.

" Yeah, not a single one of them has stepped in yet!" Nathan said.

"They must be busy? perhaps...?" Hikaru guessed.

" Or they must be blaming themselves for what happened yesterday-" Claude was cut off by Isabelle as she twisted his ear.

" We clearly told them that it wasn't their fault, now shut up and focus on the game..." She said.

Just then, there was a nudge on Axel's feet.

He looked down, only to see an adorable-looking Alpha.

" Oh! Alpha!" he picked up the little cub who licked his cheek.

And for the ones seating around Axel, moved away in fear.

"  Don't worry guys! Alpha is very friendly!" Axel said and Alpha growled in agreement.

Soon, the DR players started to fill in.

some even had their pets with them.

" Alpha!" the little cub ran back to its red-haired owner.

" You guys are late!" Said Sonny.

" Yeah... We were making sure that the new systems are working properly..." Eunice said in a voice that made it seem like she was tired from all the work.

All of them looked tired.

" New systems?" Billy asked.

" Yeah, After what happened yesterday, we decided not to take any more risk and changed all the system devices on the Island with the devices developed by Throndson Tech Empire," Spirit said.

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