☆*: .。. "Our Lives Outside...Unlike the one you see" .。.:*☆

162 13 49


Episode 3:-



Author's pov~

It was going to be a lovely day! 

Until... someone decided to cry...

Guess who?

It's the clouds.

Yup, it was raining cats and dogs. 

Oshiro* was drenched in the cold drops of rain.

The wind was Cold, why won't it be? It was almost the end of the monsoon.

The grounds of Oshiro Jr. High were empty.

And that counts the soccer field.

The grass was slippery now.

Under the shade of the building, stood 14 girls, looking at the rain with dull eyes.

" Aww... why did had to rain today?...." Roxa whined.

" Yeah... it's Sunday..." Alina pouted.

" Did I mention the fact that I hate rain?" Spirit asked.

" No." Eunice replied.

" Then... I hate rain." Spirit said.

Auriana sighed.

It was silent. 

They just kept watching the raindrops fall on the soft grass.







"Thats it!!" Ashley yelled which made everyone flinch.

Ashley grabbed Jennifer and shine's hand and dragged them into the rain.

" Nononono!!!" Shine whined.

But too bad, she came in contact with the rain.

" Hehe... Cold cold! Nice!" Jennifer said dancing around.

Ashley just looked at the sky and ran a hand through her hair.

The others looked at each other before coming out in the rain to enjoy.

They laughed and jumped around.

But Spirit scrunched up her nose, staying in her place.

" Come on Spi! it's fun!!" Anna said and came to the white-haired female.

"Nope! I am very good here thank you." Spirit said.

Anna looked at Katherine and nodded.

Both the girls took hold of Spirit and dragged her out of the shade.

"GAAH!! RAIN!!" Spirit shrieked.

" Come on! Enjoy girl!" Kath said.

" You two... better run now!!" 

" GAH!!" 

And here starts the chase.

" Yah! Here!" Iris throws a soccer ball in the sky.

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