|| Wait- we did it?...

209 10 36

Author's pov~

At the stadium control room~

Jude and Hunter were sitting on the chairs, trying to stop the landmines from charging along with the limitations.

" Is it working?" Mark asked.

" I'm trying to stop the landmines from charging but... something just doesn't seem right..." Hunter said.


"It's done!" Jude said catching everyone's attention.

" The limitations are stopping!" He claimed.

"System restructured. Demonetizing field limitations.







Demonetization complete. Field limitations Destructed." said a robotic voice.

" Yes!!" The boys cheered.

On the other hand, Hunter was still focused because,

"Guys, the limitations are destructed, but the landmines are still powering up!" He claimed.

" Eh?! How is that possible?" Acker asked.

" Whoever has done this, already had a planned backup, just in case anyone stops the limitations, the landmines will keep on charging through a generator!" Hunter stated.

" That's bad, the field will blast if the landmines charge completely. Hunter, is there a way to stop them?" Heath asked.

Hunter looked at them saying,

" One thing." 

" What is it?" Jude asked.

Hunter sighed and replied while looking back at the screen,

"We can't control the charging of the landmines, but we can possibly control their placement. If we make them get placed on the ground side instead of connected below the field, then we can let them blast without getting anyone harmed on the field."

" What?!" 

"Are you sure it's safe?" Mark asked.

" After blasting, sure there will be tremors or shaking felt for some moments on the field, but no one will be harmed." he claimed.

"Alright then, let's do it." Jude said and helped Hunter in placing the landmines on the ground.

The screen showed how the wires and small drone wings floated the landmines to the ground and attached them there.

" I have an idea, how about we speed up the charging of the landmines?" Hunter suggested.

" We can do that?" 

" Certainly, the earlier they blast, the earlier we can go up the field and inform them so that they can play without any worry at least for s few minutes of the game."

" Then do it!"

At the field~

The match was getting quite tough for the DR as they could only do long passes to avoid the ball from hitting the ground.

But, long passes needed a lot of energy and force, which was probably draining them.

Right now, the ball is with one of the MFs of Kirkwood.

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