|| A Mysterious confusion...

169 14 60

Author's pov~

Evening time~

It has been two hours since Mark, Acker, Heath, David, Byron, Jude, and Axel were sitting in Hunter's room waiting for him to wake up.

Why may you ask? 

Well, the other players' family members didn't let them in except for Aqualina.

" What's going on... Do you think..." Mark trailed off.

" Think that the DR is hiding something from us? Trust me, I felt so since the beginning!" Acker said.

" We need to find the tru-"

" Ouch-" everyone heard a wince.

Turns out, Hunter woke up and tried to sit straight in spite of the pain.

" Hunter!!"

Mark helped him sit properly and they give him some water to drink.

" How do you feel?" Axel asked.

" Better.... but... how did I end up here?" Hunter asked.

" Don't you remember the red radiation thing?" Byron made him recall.

" Oh right... wait- HOW IS EVERYONE?!?!?! AND XAVIER AND AIDEN?!?!?!--"

" Relax dude! everyone is fine! just resting! The doctor said you'll need to rest for a couple of days, and Aiden and Xavier need to rest for a week at least!" David said quickly.

Hunter let out a sigh of relief.

" For a second, all the bad thoughts clouded my mind..." He said placing a hand on his heart.

" We can understand... our teams our like our second families after all!" Mark said.

" Right. Everyone is safe... but the reason for this accident is still unknown..." Jude muttered, catching everyone's attention.

" Now that you mention it... that thing that dropped something on Aiden and Xavier, The DR managers knew what that was!" David exclaimed.

"Not only that, but they also knew that the landmines incident was going to happen, mysterious isn't it?" Heath said while munching on an Apple from a basket kept for patients.

" But that doesn't make them bad... I mean... that doesn't mean that they are the ones doing all this and preventing too to cover their true intentions... they are innocent..." Hunter said.

Everyone grew suspicious of it.

" How can you say so?" Axel asked.

" Auriana and I had a talk last night. She said that the landmines weren't the only infiltration of the campus... the person behind it also messed around with the players' sports equipment!" Hunter claimed.

" WHAT?!"

" *nod* It's true! the person fitted nails in the DR's shoes and inserted a thick layer of a thermal sheet in Jennifer's Gloves. They got to know about their shoes earlier itself so they could change them immediately! but Jennifer didn't realize about the thermal sheets and ended up having heat cramps after the match!" Hunter claimed.

" Then why didn't they tell us about it before?!" Byron questioned.

" Past." Came the answer from Heath.


" As for what my observation about them says so far is that... their past has shaped their personality in such a way that... they think that something bad happening to others is a problem, but the same thing happening to them is nothing. They seem to have grown with the thought that our problems might be a bother to others, hence trying to solve it on their own," Heath stated.

Then someone knocked the room.

The door slid open and Shawn was standing there with his usual cute and calm smile.

"Hey!" He greeted.

" Shawn! what are you doing here?! shouldn't you rest?!" 

Shawn just shrugged and casually came in and sat on the couch.

" I just checked up on the other players and was about to visit Hunter when I heard everything..." Shawn said smiling.


"The window is open ya know, and curtains aren't soundproof,"

" Oh... how long are you awake? I mean, sorry we couldn't visit you, your father was with you," Byron said.

" I am awake for the last 1 hour! Anyways, has anyone contacted Auriana? didn't anyone come from their team?" Shawn questioned.

" A few of them had visited. But They didn't after Auriana ran out of Hunter's room-" As Heath was saying this in a matter-of-fact tone, he was cut off by the red-head boy.

" She was here?!" 

" I saw her run out of your room, followed by her teammates who were waiting outside," Heath said shrugging.

" Hmm... now that you mention, you and she are pretty close, right Hunter?" David asked with a playful smirk.

Hunter blushed a bit.

" No! It's just-"

" And when did you talk to her to know about the shoes and Jennifer's gloves?" Jude questioned.

" I....called her last night-"

" CHATTING WITH A GIRL AT NIGHT TIME?!?!?!" The boys shrieked.

Hunter took a pillow and slammed it on his tomato face.

" Don't make it more complicated with your questions..."

"*sigh* Enough guys... I think we should give Shawn and Hunter some rest!" Acker said.

"Alright alright... Let's talk about this tomorrow! Bye Hunter!"

"Bye ..."

" Shawn, you should go to your room as well!" Axel said.

"I am going! See ya!"

At the garden area~

The wind was nice...

The birds were returning to their nests...

It was all beautiful...


There was a girl...

Sitting on the grass, against a huge tree and hugging herself.

Her white Siberian cat was beside her trying to comfort her, cause the girl was shivering for some reason.

" Candy... I can't help but remember... That incident..."









To be continued...

Hey Readers,

Short chapter right? I know, sorry for that!

Anyways, the question of the day,

" Who is the girl at the end of the chapter?"

Don't forget to vote~

BYE! And have a nice day!

Your Author,


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