|| Hidden chaos!

197 12 18

Author's pov~

"*exhale deeply* there is a chaos going on..." Roxa said.

Hearing the word 'chaos', the boys felt that something is definitely wrong.

" What chaos?" Acker asked.

The three girls looked at each other before Auriana said,

" Someone has infiltered the system of the field."


"Yes. Some intruder has gained the access to the field's computer systems and has done several changes!" Anna claimed.

" But how is it possible with the Islands advanced system security?" Jude questioned.

" The system of the field has a different and special access along with the minimum connection with the island's systems!" Roxa stated.

" So indirectly, The person accessed the field systems without any interference of the Island system." Heath said.

Auriana nodded.

" But now the thing is, though it is separate from the island system, it is still very highly protected as it controls the whole stadium! So whoever did this, cannot do it from outside the island. Also, according to our managers, the person has infiltered the field overnight without so efficiently that it is way more than difficult to find who it is." She said.

" But last night, it was only us twelve teams, our coaches, and some people of Japan Football frontier who were staying last night." Mark said.

"That's right, and during nighttime, the only security is the robots. So the person who did this is-" Heath cut off Anna saying,

" - is one of these people."

" Correct."

" But... what did they do by infiltering? and how did you girls know about it?" Hunter asked.

" About how we know... we will tell about it later,  and the infiltering..." Roxa trailed in hesitance.

" *sigh* By the infiltration, they came into the stadium last night and implanted a machine exactly under the field. The machine was activated when the match started. It actually counts the number of times the ball hits the ground. It has a certain limitation, when once reached, will activate the landmines and- I think you all have experienced how landmines work in FFI..." Anna said.

The boys were shaken.

"L-limitation? L-landmines?!" Mark muttered in shock.

"What is the limitation?...." Jude asked.

"We don't exactly know, but Alina said it is above 1000." Roxa said.

"And that's why we were making long passes so that the only times when the ball hits the ground is when it is under the dominance of Kirkwood team." Auriana confessed.

Hunter's eyes softened.

"Sorry, I didn't know..." He apologized.

"It's alright, it was a reflex." 

" But now what? We gotta do something." Acker said.

" If we tell this to the security, they will immediately use the evacuation protocol! the match won't end then!" Anna said clenching her fists.

" Then what to do? it's risky for both the teams to stay there!" Mark said step up in front.

" We know! but we have a plan! we just need your help in it!" Auriana said with a glint of hope.

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