|| The Beginning of a new journey!

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Author's pov~

A week later~

The amazing seabird species Gull flew in the endless sky above the large extended sea with its colony.

And what do we have here?

A fantabulous cruise ship sailing through the water.

A fantabulous cruise ship sailing through the water

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" This is so AMAZING!!!!" Sonny yelled while running towards the bow of the ship(very front of the ship)

"I know right!! I didn't quite expect our ride to be so..." Sandra trailed.

"Luxurious?" Valentin completed the sentence.


"Aye Aye!! I can feel the wind through my limbs!!" Kiko screamed in happiness.

"I know it's awesome! but I didn't expect Mis- I mean Coach Ember to send a 'luxury cruise ship' to take us to the Soccer Campus." Maxime said leaning on the railing.

"Well... it doesn't matter now does it?" Basile asked leaning on the railing as well with Trevor.

"EYUP! The only thing we can do right now is..... Enjoy the luxury!!" Coach Yi said as he was already on a beach recliner with a glass of continental juice.

The others sweat-dropped when they saw Nino, Cliff,  and Adriano joining him.

"Aye Aye! Coach is right!!" The four said.

"You can't be serious..." Trever muttered.

"Haish! Let them be..." Lee said as he removed his mask while approaching them.

" Sea breeze feels nice!" He said feeling the wind.

" It's not often that you take off your mask Lee." Valentin claimed.

" Dude, I was sweating underneath it right now..." Lee said fanning his face.

There was a comfortable silence.

In the bus of Raimon Eleven~

On a Highway~

"WE ARE GOING TO THE FRONTIER TOURNAMENT!!!!" Mark yelled while peaking his head out of the window.

"MARK!!" Nathan pulled him back inside.

"Hehe... sorry I couldn't hold back my excitement this time!" Mark claimed while scratching his nape.

"When is the time you can control it anyway?" Nelly commented from the front.

"Well, that's right! Hihihi!" Jack giggle from the back.

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