|| An International friend/ player!

201 14 40

Author's pov~

" SEOK MIN-WOO?!?!?!"

" Yup! that's me!" Min-woo said smiling toothily.

" Wait- You?!?! What are you doing here?" Elliot asked out in surprise.

" Me? I came here to visit a friend but had thought of meeting you guys again! So here I am!" He replied.

" Well then! Nice to see you too Min-woo! How have you been?"  Mark asked, approaching the Korean boy.

" I've been good! Oh! and Axel! I hope your leg is completely fine now..." Min-woo asked with a worried face.

" Uh-um. Healed as if it was never injured," Axel replied.

" Good to hear! How have you all been?" Min-woo asked the others.

"Fine/ good/yeah yeah..." The others replied.

" How is your health now Min-woo?" Jude asked.

"Sure it took me a month to recover completely... but I am absolutely fine now!" Min-woo replied.

"So are you going to stay for a while? I mean, it will be fun! you can watch all of the next matches!" Sonny exclaimed.

Min-woo's eyes saddened a bit.

" Sorry, buddy... I wish that too, but I have a return flight tonight itself!"

" Eh? but why to hurry back? you just came here right?" Hikaru asked. 

" Well, I only came to fulfill my promise to my friend that I will visit on her special day. But I will definitely stay the next time Mitsuru!" Min-woo said.

"Umm...  It's Hikaru..." Hikaru said nervously scratching his nape.

Min-woo blinked a couple of times in confusion but then it hit him.

" Oh! Orion matter right?" 

" Kinda..."

" Anyways, who is this friend of yours you've promised to visit?" Valentine asked out of curiosity.

" Yeah! Is your friend here in Elliptical Island?" Sandra asked.

Min-woo nodded.

" Yeah! In fact, She was a player during today's amazing match!" He claimed.

" Today's match?!" 

" Eyup! Actually, it's-"











" Min-woo?..." called out a female voice from behind.

Min-woo closed his eyes and turned around saying,

"There she is!"

Then, from the shadows, a few trees emerged Auriana, Spirit, and Annaliese.

" You- I mean... You came all the way to the Elliptical Island to meet me?" Auriana asked.

Min-woo nodded vigorously and did a signature high-five with Auriana.

" Of course, I would come! I took the holiday to come to see your match after all!" Min-woo replied.

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