|| The Unexpected first Match Declared!

393 18 95

In a dark Cabin~

Author's pov~

"Sir... y-you summoned m-me?" Mr. Colvin asked shakily.

A hologram appeared in front of him.

Mr. Colvin immediately bent on his one knee and kept his right hand on his chest.

The hologram projected a short man sitting on a chair with a white cat on his lap.

The hologram projected a short man sitting on a chair with a white cat on his lap

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" Colvin

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" Colvin... how many times should I repeat that I hate failures?" The man asked in a venomous tone.

" A-apologies Sir!!" Mr. Colvin pleaded.

"Uh-un! Mistakes must not be made twice... yet... as I am a very considerate man, I give you one chance to explain yourself." The man said.

" T-thank you sir! Sir... the goalkeeper of the Dynasty Rulers, Jennifer Dytosa...*looks up* she is the one who caused our Project Grand opening Ceremony to fail! At the last moment, she brought out her soul creature and stopped the torch from falling!"

" Just her?" The man raised a brow.

"No sir... there were three other goalkeepers too! but without Jennifer, they wouldn't have succeeded in stopping the torch from falling." Mr. Colvin replied.

" Hmm... Fine! but failures are not excepted... Your position on this mission shall be replaced!" The man said with an ego as he patted his cat.

" No sir!! I promise not to fail you!!!" Mr. Colvin pleaded.

" But it has already been done, Colvin!." Another man entered the cabin.

" *smirk* welcome to the mission! Pawn the VII !" The egoistic man said with a smirk.

The said person bowed beside Mr. Colvin and smirked at him.

" As you say... Sir Henry Goldwin..."


Back at the stadium~

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