|| The Leaked news...

451 24 106

The Next Day, Nighttime~

At Lunar Prime Academy Soccer field~

Author's pov~

Heath and Duske were sitting at the audience chairs stargazing.

"Tomorrow is the beginning of a new journey..." Heath said with a smile.

Duske nodded and said,

"I feel like this new journey is going to bring us new adventures."

Heath hummed.

It was peaceful...


"DUSKE!!!! HEATH!!!!"

The two boys turned around and saw Hikaru running towards them at full speed.


Hikaru stopped his legs and panted as if he ran miles just to reach here.

"Dyna... Rula... Leaked..." he said between his breaths.

"Catch your breath and then speak." Duske said.

Hikaru shook his head as no and muttered,


"News?" Heath repeated.

Hikaru held out his phone to the boys.

Heath took it and saw the link to a news report.

He looked at Duske before clicking the link.

" Breaking News! 

Big revelation from the World of Japanese soccer by our sources!"

"Big Revelation?" Duske repeated in confusion.

" After this morning's announcement by the Japan Soccer Org. about the upcoming Football Frontier Tournament, there is another big surprise to the country by the organization. Alongside the 11 famous teams of Japan who are also known as the 11 pillars of Japanese soccer, there will be another team joining them!  A private team, Lead by the great infrastructure engineer Ember Yanaho, has participated in the Frontier Tournament." 

Heath sat straight with huge confusion,

" This isn't supposed to be known now..."

" Not only that, as per our sources, the team is actually an All-girls team named The Dynasty Rulers. Additionally, no one has ever heard or seen them play which can give rise to the consideration that they have been secret all this time. But now the question is, will they be able to make a place in the hearts of all the soccer fans..."

"That's the question! Spirit, Aurora, and Auriana themselves told us that their participation is going to be a secret until the Tournament begins!" Hikaru said plopping down beside Heath."

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