||Post Match Conversation...

369 22 65

Auriana's pov~

Continuation of the match~

The match was intense....

After the goal I made, there was no single goal since the last 5 minutes.

Both the teams were attacking, defending as well as playing tricks and tactics.

Right now, Me, Byron, and Axel Have been Trapped by the midfielders.


I took the ball skillfully.... Planning to Dribble past the opposition players.

But Maxime Blocked my way.


I passed him the ball, thinking that he would escape, but no...

Hunter stole the ball from him and jumped into the sky.

He is going to use a special move?!


"He has got a new special move?!"

A multi-colored sphere formed around him and the ball...

It was bright..... bright enough to blind anyone's vision.

Then, the sphere disintegrated in small rays of light and surrounded the ball as he kicked it.

" Defence line, stop it!!!" Jude yelled.


Acker tried to block the ball using his special move but it was of no use.


Even Billy tried....But nothing worked.

Finally, Spirit stood in between the ball and the goal.


The Mythical bird Spirila took form behind the albino and crossed her wings.

The ball clashed with the wings.... But I know she can't stop this shoot with this move.

"What the-"

Breaking through the defense line, the ball headed straight for the goal.


Too late...

The ball was already in.


Xavier's mouth fell open.

"How come he doesn't mispronounce his name?!"

"Maybe he didn't find any mispronunciation.... But anyway, that shoot sure was something powerful." Spirit complimented.

Hunter landed a few meters away from me, with his back facing me.

"Now this is what I call a true cosmic power." I complimented, putting my left hand in my pocket.

He seemed to hear me and turned to me with a smile.

For some reason... I had this weird giddy feeling in my heart when I saw his smile.

"Thanks..." He said scratching his nape.

While the others were complimenting him, Jude approached me.

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