|| Your tears are precious...

173 10 16

Author's pov~

Aurora sat under a massive tree in Elliptical Island's garden, on the soft grass, hugging her knees and crying her heart out.

Her little white kitty tried her best to calm her owner but failed terribly.

" Candy...I can't help but remember.... that incident..." She muttered between her sobs.

And then, she had a flashback.


From around 6-7 years ago, Young Aurora was standing in the middle of the field.

She held onto her knees and was panting heavily.

" Come on! you need to be more swift! More agile!" Scolded a man in a black tuxedo.

" I .... can't... continue..." She said.

" Please... let's .... stop... for today..." She pleaded.

" No! you need to run another 250 rounds of the field and do the Aphilao training yet! You are a midfielder! raise your stamina!! Now run before you get your punishment!!" The same man yelled.

Poor Aurora flinched and started running... though her legs screamed for mercy and rest...

She kept running... though her heart seemed to pound out of her chest any moment...

She kept running... though her throat begged for water.

And at last, after a couple of minutes... her body gave up and came in contact with the hard ground.

" Hey! Stand up-"

" Don't shout at her." Said another manly voice... but it was much deeper.

" But sir-"

" She has done wrong. I know. So give her the punishment. Test out our new invention on her." Said that deep voice.

" A-alright sir!!" 

Soon, out of the shadows, came a Drone-like machine.

It beeped with red color and suddenly dropped something on Aurora.


Within a fraction of a second, Aurora was pushed out of the way and that thing fell on someone else.

Aurora raised her head to see her savior... only to be wide-eyed.

" N-no... This can't be... B-big b-bro?" she uttered.

With a limitlessly exhausted body, she approached him and shook his body.

" Big bro... wake up... big bro... please!" She pleaded him a lot, but he didn't wake up...


" I know that big bro is fine now... *sniff* but... *sniff* I can't forget that day..." Aurora said while sniffing and closing her eyes, letting even more tears flow down.

But then, someone held a blue rose under her chin, on which her tears fell.

Aurora felt something touching her chin so she opened her eyes, only to meet with lilac purple eyes.

" You know... my grandma says... The tears of a girl are precious..." Said the owner of those eyes, Valentin.

Aurora immediately looked away to wipe her tears.

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