|| Love's in the Air~ part-2

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Author's pov~

"Are you alright?" Byron asked her.

Staring into his eyes, the girl blushed furiously.

"Y-y-y-y-yes!" She stuttered.

Byron gently placed her on her feet and went over to pick up the fallen book.

" T-thank you!" She stuttered again.

Till that time, Kookie, her pet circled her feet worriedly, trying to gain her attention.

But this girl was too busy staring at the Godly Handsome boy in front of her who just saved her from breaking a bone or two.

" Here, Your book." He said calmly handing her the heavy, thick book.

" Thank- WOAH! This book is heavy!" She said and immediately placed it on the table.

Kookie then approached the boy with a cute confused look.

Byron bent to his knees to pat the puppy's fur.

" How cute! What's his name?" He asked.

" His name is Kookie! my cute little baby!" The girl said picking the pup and placing it on the table.

Byron stood up and gazed at the girl asking her,

" And you? who are you... beautiful?" 

The girl blushed and turned to face him and bowed down.

" Myself Katherine, Katherine Zin Moon! Manager of The Dynasty Rulers!" She replied.

" Katherine... beautiful name for an equally beautiful person." Byron complimented.

Katherine blushed even more and turned to sit on the chair and read her book.

Byron smiled and turned around, searching for any book that catches his eye.

" Oh, I just don't understand..." Muttered Katherine.

Kookie peeked his little head in the big book.


" How am I supposed to do further research if I don't understand this!" She whispered to herself.

Byron peeked over her shoulder and asked,

"Need any help?" 

Katherine flinched and replied,

" Nono! You've already helped me enough!" 

Byron ignored her words and sat beside her.

"Tell me your worries, maybe I can help?" He said.

Katherine sighed and said,

" Well... Coach wants me to do some research on the history of the constellations so that we can have more improvement aspects in our Constellation break! But the thing is that I am not at all good at history and stuff. Ask me about physics or chemistry, I will blabber for an hour! but history is just a big no-no..."

" But the constellation break is already so powerful, why need improvements?" Byron asked.

" I don't know, Coach just told me to and I have to! Perhaps it will be helpful in the future?" She exclaimed.

" Okay... so you basically want to be explained about this book! Lemme explain it to you then!" Byron chimed.

" Really?!"

" Yeah! I am always the topper in history!" Byron said.

" So would you really help me?" Katherine asked with sparkles in her eyes.

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