|| Pre-ceremony day and The Pawn!

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Author's pov~

"This is the present. And I know it's amazing." Auriana said, gaining everyone's attention.

"I, Auriana Temiskera, the Captain of The Dynasty Rulers welcome you all to the Elliptical Island!" She said bowing in respect.

"Thank you so much for this warm welcome, we really appreciate it." Coach Aqualina stated.

"I am glad to know. But! Before anything, As you all can see, every house here has a nameplate with a particular teams' name written on it and therefore, the particular house belongs to the team till the end of the tournament! Further, The Luxury rooms for all the Coaches are ready at the Eclipse Tower to where our Manager will escort you'll with all due respect." Auriana said as Anna, Ashley, and Roxa walked towards her side.

"You all took too many efforts-" Coach Hillman was cut off by Anna saying,

"Coach, this is the Elliptical Island, things here happen differently from how it happens in the outer world."

"Anyways, Before the coaches leave, There are 3 things I would like to make clear. Helper bot!" The golden-haired captain called out.

The Helper Bot flew above her and projected a hologram...

of a really cool-looking Soccer field.

" First, Such Soccer fields are situated underground below the houses for every team to practice as long as they want, privately without any disturbance

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" First, Such Soccer fields are situated underground below the houses for every team to practice as long as they want, privately without any disturbance." 

Many players were jaw-dropping.

"So cool..." Claude muttered and Bryce nodded to him.

"Secondly, No player is allowed to go out of the Dorm Provinces until the evenin-" 

"Wait why?! what if we want to explore this place?" Someone from Royal Academy asked.

" It's for security purposes, Due to some technical upshots, the passcode IDs that we were supposed to give to each player are not ready yet and might take a few more hours. But as soon as it is done, the Passcode IDs will be sent to the dorms right away. Also, a quick FYI, without the scanning of the Passcode IDs, there is no entry in any parts of the Island." Auriana said with a serious tone.

" The security is tight..." Jude muttered to himself.

" And thirdly, there is a meeting in the next 2 hours for the discussion of the rules and regulations and the other stuff, hence, The coaches are requested to be in the conference room by then, and the Captains are asked to be present at the Dorm Province gates 15 minutes earlier so that I can guide you all to the meeting." Auriana finished and looked at everyone's faces.

" I didn't quite expect all of this... but okay... " Kirkwood's coach said softly.

" Their Coach is so humble... but then how come those three are knuckleheads?" Roxa whispered to the three girls.

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