|| A Friendly Match.

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Author's pov~

15 minutes later~

Everyone was now at the field, warming up and chatting simultaneously.

"Hey, Spirit!!" Billy called out.

The albino looked beside her and found Billy and Sonny looking at her with glittery eyes.

She sweatdropped and asked,

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Actually... can you tell us how you and your friends appeared in the stadium?! Did you use magic?!" Sonny asked.

"No... Magic doesn't exist. And about our appearance... all I can say is that every player has his or her own tricks and skills." Spirit said as she did some stretching exercises. 

"So... that wasn't magic?" Billy asked tilting his head cutely.

"Nope. And now you guys better do some warmup as well. We have to play a match remember?" She said raising a brow.

"Oh yeah! Let's go, Billy!"

Unknown to them...

A certain 'Commander on the Pitch' heard their conversation.

 " Own tricks and skills huh?..... this is getting interesting..." Jude muttered.

"Said something?" Acker asked him.

"Hm? no... nothing." Jude replied.

As everyone was still doing warmup, someone yelled into the Mic.



"DOES EVERYONE HERE HAS A HABIT OF YELLING IN THE MIC?!?!?!" Iris yelled covering her ears.

"Sheesh... if this continues... I'll go deaf!" Auriana said massaging her ears.

"Too loud.... just too loud for my peaceful ears...." Aurora whispered to herself.

"*uncover ears* but wait- this voice is familiar..." Shawn said in realization.

Caleb scrunched up his nose pointing behind the snow-haired boy.

" Because it is 'him'!"

Everyone turned to where he is pointing and a few of them were shocked.


"Hello, kids!" Natasha greeted.

Scoglio danced towards Mark and patted his back.

"GOOD to see you, Shark Evans!" He said.

Mark sweatdropped and corrected,

"It's Mark Evans..."

"Oh I am so sorry! you know I have a problem with my languages!" Scoglio said.

"Anyways, what are you all doing here?" Aiden asked.

"We had a holiday from work, so we came for a tour to Japan." Melania said.

" And the president said that there is a match taking place here, no way we were going to miss it!" Natasha claimed.

"All that is fine, but are you the guys who helped out during all that Orion thingy?" Joe asked.

"Indeed!" The three Adults did a dramatic pose.

" They are weird...." Wesley said to Byron who just chuckled.

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